Some Important Pitch Deck Components

| Updated on March 21, 2024

A pitch deck can make or break a company’s ability to attract investors. All the elements of a pitch deck are vital and thus should be adequately prepared. For instance, the introductory part gives prospective investors a precise overview of the company and thus should deliver the intended message correctly. A pitch may be a visual presentation describing the business, products offered, marketing targets, and financial goals. It should be captivating to ensure that potential investors can sit through the presentation and pay attention to the points being made.

What Does a Pitch Deck Aim to Do?

Once investors are convinced, they can be open to attending any other slated meetings after the pitch presentation. Therefore, a pitch deck allows you to get the investors to participate in subsequent discussions on investment. Additionally, it is the first step to getting the investors to trust you. An elaborate and transparent pitch makes it easy for people to trust that you will put the funding to good use. Conversely, a flimsy one may raise questions about the credibility of the project or business. Therefore, a pitch’s role is to win investors and build a relationship based on trust.

How to Make a Captivating Pitch Deck

Before making your presentation to prospective investors, ensure your pitch deck design is outstanding by doing the following.


Sometimes we want to over-explain ourselves to prove a point. However, this shouldn’t be the case when making a pitch. The goal is to make investors understand your business’s dynamics in the shortest time possible. Thus, you need to keep your pitch brief yet detailed. For example, you can explain your ideas using bullet points to ensure it is simple to understand. On the other hand, a wordy pitch may sometimes be tedious and difficult to comprehend. So summarize your points without leaving out any critical details.

Tell a Story

Statistics may give the appropriate evidence needed, but in most cases, they may not be too relatable. However, developing a narrative on the inspiration behind the start-up or how the business has impacted the community may be more captivating. Remember, the goal of the pitch is to take your investors to the end of your presentation. People love to hear stories; thus, you can factor in some instances where the company rose above various challenges. Also, ensure your pitch is up-to-date by including the latest milestones and references.  

Make a PDF

After the oral presentation, ensure you also send them a PDF format of the pitch. With a PDF version, they can always go through it during their free time to revisit some points they may not have understood earlier. Therefore, for reference purposes, ensure the PDF is availed on time and contains every detail indicated during your oral presentation.

What to Include in a Pitch Deck: The Vital Parts

Every pitch deck is unique since different businesses experience specific challenges affecting them. For that reason, your outline should be based on the needs and operations of your business. Some essential pitch deck components that should not miss in your presentation include:


Your pitch deck should have an opening statement outlining your business’s vision and mission. The outline can also include when the company was started and the inspiration behind its formation. Additionally, you can briefly highlight the products offered. The introduction of your pitch determines if your audience will be attentive to the end of the presentation. So ensure you make it as exciting and catchy as possible. Furthermore, you can use this section to introduce your team members and other stakeholders and their credentials to build their confidence that you have a team of qualified individuals willing to push the company further.

The Challenge the Business is Facing

Introduce the problem by personalizing it and bringing out its urgency to create tension in the mind of your listeners. The pitch must also bring out the necessity of your products and services in the community. Importantly, ensure you do not make it look like you stand to gain from the funding; instead, it should be more consumer-oriented.

The Solution to the Highlighted Challenges

After highlighting the challenges, you also have to portray that there is hope of finding a lasting solution. Therefore, you need to state how you have been solving the problems highlighted and where you have fallen short due to a lack of finances or support. To make it more captivating, you can include stories of clients who have benefited from your products and services. Including evidence such as customer reviews, screenshots, and product pictures can make your presentation more solid and real.

Target Clients

Every business has a demographic that its products are meant for. So be sure to include your specific target market and the competition you are facing from other companies in reaching the same consumers. Acknowledging your competitors indeed shows that there is a landscape in which your business operates. Moreover, your target market indicates that individuals benefit from your products and services.

Product and Service Qualities

It would help if you gave prospective investors a clear picture of your products and services, including the solutions they provide to the community. Talking about your product and service features builds confidence and trust in your answers. The whole point is to get the investors in your corner and allow them to think about what more your business can offer if given a little push.

Business Model

Your business model can include several aspects, including your marketing strategy, financial goals, workplace culture, and long-term goals. In your business model, ensure you emphasize your projections which include building excitement and a clear picture of where you see your business in the next few years and how you aim to get there.


Finally, it is time to get to your primary plan: to let your investors know the role you want them to play in taking your business to the next level. Make your request as polite as possible and show an urgent need for their assistance. Be sure to show that a lacuna needs to be filled and that your solutions, product, and services can help fill these gaps.

The Take-Away

There are no one-size fits for pitch decks. Every business has its unique challenges and solutions. Therefore, you need to customize your pitch deck structure according to the operations and needs of your business. However, some general narratives and pointers like the ones highlighted above can help make your pitch more powerful. It is also important to note that your prospective investors have heard some of these narratives before and might want to pick out some outstanding ones.

John M. Flood

John is a crypto enthusiast, Fintech writer, and stock trader. His writings provide guides to perform your best in the crypto world and stock planet. He is a B-Tech graduate from Stanford University and also holds a certification in creative writing. John also has 5 years of experience in exploring and understanding better about the FinTech industry. Over time, he gained experience and expertise by implementing his customized strategies to play in the crypto market.

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