Benefits of Hiring an SEO Agency vs DIY

| Updated on March 22, 2024

SEO is a must when it comes to a great site that is not only going to serve your clients but also drive them there in the first place. Though you might think that SEO is easy enough, there are plenty of benefits to using a professional company like Gladiator Law Marketing over trying to go it alone. 

What is SEO?

SEO stands for search engine optimization and it refers to the process of creating content and tailoring your website to fit the algorithm of the most popular search engines so that your site ranks higher. This can refer to specific search terms, specific content, and specific types of content that might be hosted on your site. 

Each search engine has its own algorithm that works to rank sites based on specific terms that they use to rank sites. This may be keywords, it may be types of content, and it can even the amount of content as well. With most search engines, you are going to be trying to get your site ranked higher based on the keywords that are searched and how many times they are used on your site, and what page of your site. 

A great way to look at it is to take an example; say you have a site that sells dog toys for small dogs. You would want to add keywords like, “small dog toys,” “dog toys for small dogs,” and other similar terms that are going to help whittle down other sites that might sell the same thing. The goal of SEO is to make sure that your site ranks as highly as possible when terms that are relevant to your site and your services are searched. 

This can make a huge difference in traffic to your site, how highly your site shows up when someone searches terms, and how likely it is that your site is going to get visited. The goal of SEO is to get your site ranked as close to the top of the list as possible. You know from experience when you search for something, you are far more likely to pick the sites that are on the top of the list and that are on the top page. Very seldom do you go to the second or third page of your search results? 

SEO can help your site rank higher and can help more people see your site. This can lead to more clients, can lead to further work for you, and can help you greatly when building and growing your business. 


Though you might be tempted to try and create your own SEO content, you might want to tweak the content that you already have, and you might want to try to go it alone, this is not always the best method. You can save money by doing the SEO on your own, but it may be more difficult. 

By doing your own SEO, you do have a bit more control over the entire process. You can see right from the start what the process looks like, you can see each and every part of the process so that you can tweak and change it as needed, and you can make adjustments as you go. This is great, but if you are not experienced in SEO, it can be somewhat challenging. 

When doing your own SEO, you also have a bit more freedom in taking things out and adding other things as you see fit. There are some major drawbacks, the first being that unless you are a professional with SEO, or you have done it before, it can be challenging to figure out the ropes and to really get the right SEO. It can also be challenging when you come up against problems during the process. 

If you are unable to fix things or if you are unsure how to fix issues as they come up, it can be frustrating to have to fix them and it can also be frustrating to try and fix them. Doing your own SEO puts the control in your hands, but it also puts the need to handle problems in your hands as well. 

Professional SEO Companies 

If you are not interested in trying to do your own SEO, or you are unsure how to proceed, a professional and right SEO company might be just what you are looking for. A professional company is going to be able to do so much for you, they are going to be able to help figure out what is going to work best for your particular company, and they are also going to be able to figure out the issues that are present if there are any problems. 

A professional SEO company is going to be able to do a ton for your company. First, they are going to be able to focus more resources and more time on your SEO than you might be able to on your own. Since SEO is what they do and the focus of their business, it is possible for a professional SEO company to devote more time to your business and to your SEO than you might be able to on your own. 

Another benefit is that you are going to be able to be certain that the content you get and the SEO that is done for you is very professional. This means that the content that is being created is going to be tailored to your site, your law firm, and more. It is going to be content that is going to be SEO optimized so that you can get your site seen and so that you can push your services 

Professional SEO services are also going to be truly efficient as well. A professional company is going to be able to create the best content, they are going to be able to make sure that it is going to do what you want it to. These professionals are trained to create content that is going to make a huge impact and that is actually going to help with SEO. 

They know how to do keyword research, they know how to do content research, and they know how to create content that is actually going to make a difference and help you to get your site noticed. Professional companies know how to really create the content that is going to push your site up in the searches. 

Another benefit is that if there is any issue or any trouble, a professional company is going to be able to handle those issues and take care of them before they cause any issue. It is a great idea to use a professional company if you are unaware of how to go about creating your own content and if you need a bit of extra help. 

Is Professional SEO Right for You?

There are a few things to keep in mind when deciding if a professional SEO company is a great idea for you or not. The first thing to consider is how much time you have to devote to SEO in your daily operations. Do you have hours each week that you can devote, are you super busy and have very little time, or are you able to spend time working on SEO? 

If you have no time for SEO or if you have very little time to devote, you may benefit from a professional SEO company. Another thing to keep in mind is if you have done SEO at any time or if you know how to create SEO. If you have never written SEO content or you have never worked on SEO before, it can be a struggle to learn how to do the research for good SEO, to learn what you should include, and so on. 

If you have very little experience with SEO or if you are unsure how to go about creating the SEO, a professional company might be a better option. Still another thing to keep in mind is if you know how to take care of SEO problems or not. If you feel that you might have trouble resolving issues with your SEO, a professional company may be a better option. 

Taking the time to get an SEO company on your side and to find out if they will work for you can have such a big impact on your overall success. The right SEO firm can help you do a great deal for your company and for your SEO. 

What Can a Professional SEO Company Do for You?

There are plenty of things that a professional company can do for you in terms of SEO. First, they can handle any and all keyword research to figure out what keywords are going to help get your site ranked higher and help your site get more hits. They can help figure out what terms are going to work best, what terms are going to push your site up, and how to naturally incorporate them. 

A professional firm is also going to be able to create content in greater volumes than you would be able to and they are also going to be able to create content that is high quality. With the teams that are available with a professional SEO company, you can get a ton of great content that is going to help your site rank higher and really get more people to view your site. 

A professional company is also going to be able to create content that is tailored to the site that you have, the customers that you want to attract, and the services that you offer. They can tailor the content to fit your needs so that you can get the best result possible and so that you can get the most customers possible. 

A professional company is also going to be able to do all that they can to help boost your rankings and to really address any issues that you might have with your SEO and with your rankings. They can help you to figure out what you need to do to help get your rankings up and get the most out of your content. 

The right company is going to be able to answer any questions that you might have, address any concerns, and work with you to create content that is actually going to make a difference and truly help you get your site up as far in the rankings as possible. 

Do You Need Professional SEO?

When it comes down to it, professional SEO is a great way to get the right content, and the right information and to get more people to your site and to your company than ever before. They can help you with so many different aspects of SEO and can truly help you get your site as far up the rankings as possible. A great company is going to help you get your site seen and help you bring in new customers. 

Taking the time to find an SEO company that is going to work for you is a fantastic way to get your site the attention that it deserves and to really get those clients in. If you have the time to devote and the effort, you may be able to get your own SEO off the ground, but if you want to save time, save effort and not have to worry about hiring an SEO specialist, a professional SEO company is a great way to go and a great option to have.

SEO is a must, it is something that is going to be part of your life for years to come, and if you have a website until you stop hosting that site. If you want a site that is going to consistently do well, then SEO is the best way to get that traffic and to ensure that you are going to get new clients and new customers.  

 SEO is so important and can make a huge difference in the overall success of your site. The right SEO can make such a difference and with the right company, you can be certain that your SEO is going to be well planned out, and effective and that it is going to help you get those clients and stay on top of the search rankings.

Leena Ray

Digital Marketing Writer and Editor

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