High-quality video cameras are being installed worldwide, and many of them are being installed in public places. Choosing the proper placement for the camera ensures that no one can damage the unit, nor can it be disabled or easily circumvented.
Cameras are becoming more popular in local streets, and there are pros and cons to this trend. Let’s take a look at the benefits and disadvantages of CCTV cameras being placed in public locations.
Additionally, since the camera is in public view, there’s always the risk that tampering will occur. However, if you choose the correct, private position, it will be much easier to keep a close eye on an area while reducing public fear and potential camera tampering.
High-quality spy cameras can be placed in numerous locations, including:
When placing cameras, they should be placed in suitable locations. For example, the camera can be positioned near doorways or in the corner of a living room or warehouse where it’s possible to cover the entire space with one camera.
Fuller surveillance coverage is ideal.
Many security experts recommend placing the security camera in plain sight. When a camera is hidden in plain sight, no one will suspect that it’s present. You’ll also want to consider lighting because all cameras do require sufficient lighting to capture clear images and video.
Whether you’re purchasing a PTZ SDI camera or other high-quality digital video cameras, you’ll need to determine whether you need these devices for indoor or outdoor use. Why? Indoor cameras aren’t designed to withstand the elements: extreme heat, rain, or snow will damage the camera.
Some models are universal and can be used indoors or outdoors.
Often, these are the best options for security cameras because you need the freedom to place the camera in areas where theft or risk of issues is high. A few tips on choosing the right camera are:
For larger setups, you’ll also want to consider emergency connectivity. For example, if the power goes out, you’ll still need the camera to remain operational.
Now that you know how to pick a camera and where to place it, all that’s left to do is purchase the camera and install it.