What is Email Campaign Management, and How Does It Work?

| Updated on March 27, 2024

Email campaigning has evolved over the past decade. What started as a simple process of sending ads and coupons to customers has turned into an intricate way to tell your brand’s story through targeted messages and personalized offers.

According to reports, 35% of marketers send their customers 3-5 emails per week. The volume of emails being sent has increased so much that managing them has become complex and time-consuming.

That’s where email campaign management comes into play.

What is Email Campaign Management?

Before the rise of digital marketing, advertising was focused solely on billboards, radio ads, and print media. Nowadays, marketers need to manage different types of digital media, such as email and social media.

Email campaign management is a way to simplify this process by centralizing the sending and analysis of promotional emails. It makes it easier for marketers to aim at their customers and track which messages they receive and open.

How Does Email Campaign Management Work?

There are two main components to email marketing management: the software platform and human analysis.

The essential step for companies is to find capable email campaign management software. There are many programs available, from those that only send emails through a specified provider to the web-based platforms that provide a variety of detailed reports.

The right system will depend on your needs and what you’re looking for in your email campaign. Once you select a platform, it’s time to turn on your email service provider (ESP) with the software company.

It is where human analysis comes into play. Even with the automated systems in place, marketers still need people to review and send emails for the best results.

Benefits of Email Campaign Management System

1) Improve Customer Engagement

The centralization of email marketing creates a one-on-one relationship with its customers. You can monitor their behavior and engagement and access all of the data from previous promotional emails to figure out what they like and do not like.

2) Better Tracking

Many systems offer tools that allow marketers to track their campaigns’ progress. It makes it easy to see the number of emails sent, how many people opened them, and when they clicked on the particular links.

3) Increase Sales

With more targeted messages and personalized offers, marketers can drive customers to their site for more sales. By seeing what works through the tracking tools, they can continue this process in organic email marketing after the campaign is over.

4) Multi-Channel Campaigns

Multi-channel campaigns show the connection between online and offline marketing efforts. It’s important to note where customers receive messages and how they interact with them, so you can use the data to improve your business across all of your channels.

5) Improve Post-Purchase Behavior

Marketers can use email campaign management to improve their customers‘ experiences. After someone has completed a purchase, it’s important to offer relevant information on inventory, shipping times, and how the product works.

6) Strengthen Sales Funnel

Email marketing helps you create more robust sales funnels for your business by targeting specific audiences with actionable messaging that drives customers through your sales cycle.

Features to Check in an Email Campaign Management Solution

1) Ability to Manage Subscribers

The size of your email list is a crucial factor when choosing an email campaign management platform. A solution should allow you to import, export, merge, and delete large lists. In addition, it will enable marketers to add new subscribers in real-time to monitor growth over time.

2) Automation

Email campaign management systems should send trackable, customized emails depending on how or when a subscriber interacts with your brand. For example, if someone subscribes through an ad in the middle of the night, they might receive an automated welcome email in the morning. If that person is still waiting for their product by day three, they will get an automated email with their shipping update.

3) Segmentation

Once you’ve collected your email list, it’s important to filter them into smaller groups for more targeted outreach. For example, you can separate people by location or the types of products they bought in the past so that you can provide them with relevant deals and updates.

Leena Ray

Digital Marketing Writer and Editor

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