Maximizing Your Email Campaign ROI with Metrics and Analytics

| Updated on March 22, 2024

Despite big changes in the world of communication, the effectiveness of email marketing can’t be questioned. It continues to be one of the most effective options for marketers. It can be used by business marketers for various purposes, which include engagement with the audience, building brand loyalty, and driving conversions.  

To maximize the return on investments, you need to work on metrics and analytics which can truly transform the message marketing operation. It ensures that you gain valuable insights into your campaign and optimize strategies to get the best possible results. It is a comprehensive review of different factors which can have an impact on the drive. We take a view of the significance of email retailing ROI and how to use analytics to improve it.

You can also use HTML email templates to improve your marketing return on investment and get better results.

Significance of Email Marketing ROI

Email marketing isn’t just about designing the best possible messages and sending them to the users. Rather, the measurement of the return on investment is also of critical value to the marketer. It is a key factor when measuring the success of your campaign. Mailing commerce can be improved if the marketer pays heed to the metrics and analytics which help unlock the full potential of your marketing drive.

It is through ROI for marketing that you get actionable insights into the success and impact of your emails. Thus, when you analyze them, you can decide how much funds you are going to allocate to the next phase and how improvement is possible.

Key Metrics of Email Marketing Success

Here are some key metrics of marketing that can help decide the success of the campaign. They help optimize your success and achieve goals without any failure.

Open Rates

This metric shows how many recipients opened the mailbox. By analyzing this percentage, you can decide whether your subject lines and other efforts have been effective or they need improvement.  


Click-through rates mean the percentage of users who have clicked the links that have been included in the emails. It shows how much it has engaged the reader and how much interested s/he is in your email. By analyzing CTR, you can improve conversion and ROI.

To calculate CTR, you can apply the formula of total clicks or unique clicks divided by the number of delivered emails x 100. For example, 50 total clicks divided by 10,00 delivered mails x 100 = 5% click-through rate.

Conversion Rates

Conversion rates mean that desired steps for which it has been sent. It shows whether the reader has responded to CTA and taken the desired action, like making a purchase, downloading a resource, filling out a form, etc. It is through conversion that a marketer can decide easily whether there is a necessity for improvement.

To calculate conversion rates, you can apply the formula of the number of people who completed the desired action divided by the number of total emails delivered x 100. For example, 40 people divided by 1,000 emails delivered x 100 = 4% conversion rate.

Unsubscribe Rates

Unsubscribe rates show the number of users who have unsubscribed from the emails. It shows whether your marketing campaign is faring well or you need to improve it. It also shows the relevance of the messages for the users.

Bounce Rates

The bounce rate shows the number of messages that weren’t delivered. It can have multiple negative impacts, and you need to make sure that it is lowered. It is through this, that you can identify where the problem lies and why the drive isn’t delivering the desired results.

The bounce rate can be calculated with the total number of bounced messages divided by the number of emails sent x 100. For example, 100 emails bounced divided by 10,000 total emails sent x 100 = 1% bounce rate. 

Forwarding Rate

It is the rate at which your mail recipient has shared or forwarded your mail. Though, it is not that significant in comparison to CTR or conversion rates, it’s still worth considering. 

You can count it with the number of clicks on a share/forward button divided by the number of total delivered items x 100. For example, 200 clicks divided by 10,000 delivered items x 100 = 2% forwarding rate. 

These were some of the marketing metrics that may be helpful for you to track your email performance, the well-being of your email list, and the progress toward your objectives. 

Some Best Practices and Strategies

We have worked on some best practices and strategies that can give the desired results and can serve in making a reliable marketing ROI formula. These are given as follows.

Goal Setting

You need to define the objectives of the campaign and then prepare emails accordingly. Once you define the goals, it makes it possible to track the progress with time.


Segmenting the list according to the specifics of the users is necessary. Thus, it will help send personalized emails, which will generate better results. Thus, the ROI will automatically improve.

A/B Testing

An experiment with different variables to see how much each of these impacts your progress is required. These include the subject line, CTA, sending times, content format, etc.

Integration with CRM

Marketing automation platforms not only make your job easier but also ensure that every customer is served according to their needs. Thus, you don’t need to worry about data synchronization, message personalization, automated workflows, etc.

Continuous Analysis and Optimization

Continuous analysis of data using data analysis tools will make sure that you get insights without any bias or errors. It can help refine strategies, while it will also help increase the ROI.


Email marketing ROI can be improved considerably by paying heed to metrics and analytics. These two are the key to understanding whether your email marketing campaign is a success or it isn’t producing the desired results. The above-given metrics and analytics indicators can help improve operations without any trouble.

Leena Ray

Digital Marketing Writer and Editor

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