Essential Things You Should Consider When Buying an Air Filter

| Updated on March 27, 2024

HVAC systems enable you to enjoy a relaxed, healthy environment while helping regulate the atmosphere and make you comfortable. The filters will help remove dust particles, impurities, and pathogens to ensure fresh air. However, buying an air filter can be very challenging. You need to research and know the type of air filter you want and the design. If you buy for the first time, you should continue reading this article. This article explores essential things you should consider when buying an air filter.

The Size of the Air Filter

Your air filter size matters a lot when buying to replace or buying it for the first time. Most filters have their sizes labeled on their surface, while the measurement is rounded up on some. If your house requires a  16x25x1 air filter and you aren’t sure about the measurement, consult an HVAC expert to help you. You can also use a tape measure to get the width, length, and height of the air purifier you need. However, to enjoy your air filter to the maximum, ensure you choose the correct size to ensure it works efficiently.

The Type of Air Filter

The market contains different types of filters. Some filters include carbon filters, high-efficiency particulate air, electronic filters, and electrostatic filters. To avoid confusion, you need to know the different models and consult an expert to help you analyze and get the best air filter to meet your needs. When looking for a filter, don’t just go for the cheapest. Understand the quality and weigh it with the need you want.

 Suppose you or your loved one have asthma or other allergies. In that case, you can consider buying the high-efficiency particulate air or the electrostatic filter, best suited to refine the air ultimately by removing even the microscopic allergens. If you are looking for an affordable air filter, you can consider the flat-panel filter. Also, you can consider using carbon filters if your interiors are poorly ventilated.

The Quality of Air 

The quality of air differs from one person to another. Some factors can affect air quality, hence affecting the choice you need to make when buying. For example, if you have a breathing problem, you need high-quality air filtration to ensure the air is well filtered from all pathogens. 

Material and Minimum Efficient Reporting Value Ratings

The air filter performances are rated by MERV rating, a scale of 16. The MERV helps rate the filter depending on how well it can purify the air and hold the contaminants. When buying the air filter, be sure to check the MERV rating and research to know what different ratings mean. It would help if you avoided air filters with high MERV since they will cost you more as they require more energy to operate the furnace and AC system. The highest MERV provides better filtrations as there will be more air restrictions to ensure every dust and pathogens are removed. However, as the system works hard to achieve this, more energy will be required. Most people go for filters with MEVP 6-8.


Before purchasing an air filter, ensure you have the list above and confirm that you know the size or ask for an expert to guide you. When considering the MERV, if you want a higher, consider consulting with a technician or an expert to guide you.

Chitra Joshi

Content Writer & Marketer

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