8 Incredible Online Office Tools to Make Work Fun

| Updated on February 14, 2024

If you also work in a regular corporate office, you might also feel that your regular work can be boring sometimes. 9-5 jobs got their reputation of monotonous nature for a reason. You have to go through daily schedules and do the same work for a long-long period of time until you get a promotion. 

You must have found yourself constantly staring at your computer screen, feeling like work has turned into a mundane and boring task. Fear not! In today’s digital age, online office tools offer a fun way to liven up mundane tasks. Today we’re going to dive into eight of the most amazing online office tools that are sure to make work feel more like play.

So, without causing any delay, let us dive into them.

Trello – A Magical Collaboration Tool

The first tool on our list is Trello which is a collaborative task management system perfect for teams big and small. Collaborate with your co-workers in real-time by sharing progress updates, conversations, and deadlines right on the boards.

With its gamified interface for progress tracking featuring a range of stickers, its card tending feature, customizable backgrounds, and emojis make the organization seem less tedious.

Doodle – An Awesome Group Scheduling Solution

Do you find it frustrating trying to organize a meeting time with colleagues or clients spread across different time zones? This is where Doodle comes in handy; it streamlines scheduling duties.

Say goodbye to endless email threads as everyone tries to negotiate schedules using this awesome solution. You’ll be able to see everyone’s availability at once, so finding an optimal time for any meeting or call becomes quick and easy. Additionally, also try OneLaunch and other similar applications and brace yourself for an awe-inspiring journey as you delve into a world of meticulously designed custom features, all created to elevate your browsing experience to unprecedented heights.

Canva – For a Design-Savvy Office

Want visually appealing corporate graphics but lack design skills? Enter Canva – The perfect solution that lets anyone create professional designs effortlessly without spending hundreds of dollars on graphic designer fees.

Canva offers never-ending templates that can easily be customized depending on your work needs, including flyers, posters, business card logos, blog graphics, and social media banners, among others giving users abundant choices. 

Grammarly – Communication Superhero

Grammar mistakes can ruin even the most well-crafted emails since no one likes spelling ‘your’ as ‘you’re’ or simply failing at grammar principles altogether.

You might use writing software applications like Microsoft Word to check for spelling and grammar errors, but for that extra bit of excellence with your writing, Grammarly is a tool every professional should have.

It’s not just another spell checker; instead, it covers everything from simple grammatical mistakes to complex contextual misspellings and often suggests much better sentence structuring as well.

Otter.ai – Convenient Audio Transcriptions 

If you are somebody who likes taking voice notes or documentation during customer meetings or brainstorming sessions, then you must have used the transcription system in place.

Well, if you are tired of transcribing them manually, we introduce to you Otter.ai, this convenient tool that transcribes audio files saved on your device with a click of a single button. It’s accurate and faster than people are when it comes to typing up transcripts.

Freelance transcribers often use Otter.ai as a hack to complete their transcription projects as soon as possible. Just like that, you can also leverage this site to start a side-hustle as a freelancer.

Slack – An All-In-One Communication Solution

Having unlimited emails can become frustrating amid other cluttered platforms, but thanks to Slack, all communication functions can be streamlined into one convenient platform.

This application provides an avenue for co-workers distributed worldwide to communicate, share new ideas, engage in laughs, videos, images, and so much more in real-time, making work seem less like work.

With its fun and supermodern user interface, Slack is highly interactive and one of the most amazing platforms that are used by officials during their office hours.

Toggl – Striking Time Management Tools

Every company starts somewhere, so tracking those initial hours is crucial when creating realistic project pricing structures. Thanks to the Toggl, time tracker companies can efficiently track such timings and set project budgets reminding professionals about their progress frequently while focusing on how long each task takes, thus offering transparency and accountability, facilitating focus.

Zoom – An Essential Video Communication Tool 

Meetings have started becoming virtual now, which helps participants save time wasted commuting and wasting resources. And also, since fax machines died out, dialing conference numbers has become outdated too. This led us to use applications like Zoom. It offers a great way forward by letting users video chat, collaborates, participate in meetings, etc., without leaving their desks.

Zoom app got its mass popularity in the year 2020, during the Covid quarantine period. Since then, the growth has been irreplaceable and unbeatable. Even today, when the threat of Corona is no more, companies and online learning enterprises are still using Zoom for various distance interviews or online learning purposes. 

Wrapping Up!

These eight online office tools are great additions to any office that’s focused on streamlining administrative tasks and enhancing workplace communication, all the while keeping things light-hearted and fun. It’s easy to get bogged down with work, but by using these applications, one can take the mundaneness out of it while facilitating a collaborative, supportive culture among employees. So don’t hesitate to check them out today!

Adam Green

With more than 3 years of experience as a software and tech writer on GetAssist.net Adam has been writing articles, blogs, and featured stories centered around the software and tech niche since he graduated from Virginia Tech University. He writes savvy articles, tutorials, and reviews that explain difficult concepts to readers of all levels. His expertise includes software development, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, and emerging technologies. Through simple and engaging writing, Adam constantly delivers useful insights that enable readers to feel at ease in the ever-changing technological scene.

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