Tips for Buying a Used Car Safely

| Updated on July 18, 2024

Acquiring a used car can be as exciting as it is frustrating, we share some tips so that the investment is safe and you enjoy your purchase. The business world is an immense ocean full of risks and opportunities that do not always turn out as we thought. The purchase-sale of cars is no exception. 

Unfortunately, it is increasingly susceptible to fraud, extortion, and various illicit acts that you have to be very aware of so as not to get involved.

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How to Take Care of Our Investment?

Buying a used or semi-new car requires a good search, not only material risk analysis, speaking of the car, but also administrative, because like any good, everything must be perfect in order, or as the slang says: “papers OK, all paid.”

Pre-owned or used cars cannot speak to tell us their story unless they belong to a friend, relative or relative, however, as well as the state of the bodywork or the engine, the documentation can tell us a lot.

How Do I Check the Documentation?

Although the most complex part of the purchase is access to the original documentation, there are tools used by the managers and the authorities themselves to corroborate key data of the vehicle such as the serial number, debit of holdings taking into account the plates with which has been discharged, regardless of how many owners the unit has had. As well as reports of theft or accident. 

The foregoing is of the utmost importance because we do not know what we are facing or what we are buying, regardless of whether it is an individual, a car lot, or even a certified pre-owned car agency. Usually, in most cases, there will always be some kind of surprise. Here are some basic tips for buying your pre-owned car.

1.- Do a good search job. Don’t be surprised or “fall in love” with the first option. Remember that the possibilities are many. Visit the autotempest search site to get various options.

2.- Never make any type of deposit, section, or purchase from any company, institution, or person you do not know, much less if it is online. Do not share any personal data either.

3.- Discard too attractive offers, bargains, or auctions. It may be too good to be true and it is almost a given that there will be something wrong with both the condition of the car and the documentation.

4.- First, make an appointment to check out the vehicle, do not go alone, be skeptical, and ask everything you can about the car: model, mileage, services, who owns it, who owned it, what it is used for, even ask about any damage (they always have them). Then he starts asking about administrative issues. If you notice any doubts or strange attitudes on the part of the seller, discard the option. Additionally, you can check the junkyard database to ensure that the buyer is legitimate and has a good track record.

5.- If you decide to leave your car on account or consignment in an agency, be very careful with any “alternate” offered by the seller. Lately, it is very famous that some work with external resellers “associated” with the sellers. The problem is that if something goes wrong in the negotiation, it is likely that neither the agency nor the brand will take responsibility.

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