A Beginner’s Guide to Cloud Computing Services

| Updated on April 9, 2024


More and more businesses today are turning to the cloud for their infrastructure and service needs. Cloud computing is quickly becoming a vital skill for any software developer or IT professional. Cloud computing has replaced traditional methods in the majority of global industries during the past few years. Because it’s a new field, there are many terms related to cloud computing that you might not be familiar with.

A cloud computing infrastructure allows for quicker innovation, easier resource adaptation, and scalability. It is the supply of computing services via the internet “The Cloud”, encompassing servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, and intelligence. In addition to allowing businesses to scale their operations as needs change, the cloud improves infrastructure and reduces operational costs. No matter the size of your company, having an IT staff to support it needs a tremendous amount of commitment.

Additionally, large investments in bulky drives and pricey infrastructure may be necessary. But the potential of cloud computing keeps evolving how businesses run their IT divisions. So, you can learn cloud computing which will benefit you later since it’s probable that all future applications will be developed and delivered on the cloud.

What is Cloud Computing?

Let’s begin where we left off. Before the advent of the cloud, businesses had to purchase their own servers for internal installation and management. On-site storage is the setup used in this scenario. On-site storage has a number of drawbacks, including a large initial investment, limited access from a specific location, and a high risk of data loss should the server experience a power outage. On-site storage hurts businesses by making it impossible for businesses to communicate information among themselves. Prior to the development of cloud computing, these issues looked insurmountable. 

Cloud computing refers to third-party hosted software, infrastructure, or platform that is delivered via the Internet. It enables on-demand access to resources like storage or development platforms through distant data centers that are connected to the internet. It is a convenient way to share resources, store data, use software, and process data online, meaning cloud services can go anywhere the internet does. These data centers are run by independent businesses known as cloud providers. This technology not only fixes all the issues that plagued on-premises systems, but it’s also typically more affordable, scalable, and practical.

The first significant cloud computing service provider, Amazon AWS, debuted in 2006. AWS presently holds roughly half of the market for cloud computing services, but it is also facing significant competition from Google Cloud and Azure from Microsoft.

Where is Cloud Storage?

Although it sounds like cloud storage is just floating around, it is actually very comparable to conventional physical storage. When something is saved to the cloud, the cloud host company stores it locally in a data center (Google, Amazon, etc). These data centers are actually very reminiscent of traditional corporate server rooms, but now that companies can outsource their storage to these centralized cloud data centers, they no longer have to fund and maintain their own server rooms.

You may access your work from any location and on any device with the help of hundreds of these data centers that each cloud storage provider has spread out throughout the globe.

What are Different Types of Cloud Computing Services?

Services for cloud computing are the height of ease. Users of these internet-based platforms don’t need to fiddle with any additional downloads. Instead, these services can be run and controlled on a platform that is located in the cloud, allowing users to pick and choose the services they require.

Here are a few instances of current cloud computing services:

SaaS [Software-as-a-Service]

It is an on-demand service that allows companies to deliver software services. Example- Dropbox, Gmail.

IaaS [Infrastructure-as-a-Service]

It allows you to rent storage, networks, and other operating systems on an as-needed basis. Example – Amazon EC2 and S3.

PaaS [Platform-as-a-service]

It allows companies to test and manage software and applications quickly, without relying on databases or infrastructure. Example – AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Azure.

FaaS [Function-as-a-service]

It is a type of cloud computing service that allows users to utilize code in response to certain events or circumstances.

What Type of Cloud Computing Architecture Does One Need?

The first step is to decide whether to move or upgrade your storage to the cloud. The architecture of the platform, such as whether it is a private, public, or hybrid cloud, must then be decided. All of them have advantages, but it’s crucial to know which is the ideal choice for your company’s requirements.

Private Cloud

Behind a firewall, on an organization’s network, or in its hosted data center, resides a private cloud. This is also known as “Infrastructure as a Service” (IASS). The middle option, Platform as a Service (PASS), allows businesses to use an existing platform for services.


Businesses that have already made a significant financial investment in an expensive data center can easily expand their infrastructure by adopting a private cloud. Additionally, they can provide increased security and limit the number of outsiders who interface with the data center. 


The organization is now responsible for managing, maintaining, and updating data centers. Moreover, the company is responsible for covering the expense of replacing expensive servers.

Public Cloud

A third-party provider is in charge of managing a public cloud and keeping the data center up to date. Businesses can buy software through Software as a Service [SaaS], usually as a subscription, and utilize it online.


Because a third party manages the maintenance, businesses don’t need to worry about hiring people or paying for maintenance. When launching new products, organizations may save testing and lead time by using a public cloud. 


Because there is less oversight at the corporate level, some firms are concerned about security.

Hybrid Cloud

As the name suggests, it is a combination of private and public clouds. Data sharing in hybrid clouds gives your company even more flexibility and optimization.


Hybrid clouds make it possible to easily and adaptably combine public and private clouds. A hybrid model offers a variety of service model options as well. 


Hybrid clouds might be difficult to set up since they include public and private platforms. Installation and server administration fees may be more expensive than those for private and public clouds. Hybrid clouds are also less secure than those that are completely private.

One may hire a cloud computing consultant to assist with the implementation of these services for their company once they have a basic understanding of cloud computing and the many types of cloud services accessible.

Some Uses of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is likely that cloud that enables all of these activities in the background whether you use an online service to send emails, edit documents, view movies or TV, listen to music, play games, or save photos and other information. There are a wide range of businesses, from small startups to multinational firms, government entities to non-profits, that are already using cloud computing technology.

Using cloud services from a cloud provider today, the following are a few instances of what is possible:

Develop Cloud-native App 

Develop, launch and grow applications on the web, mobile, and API (Application Programming Interface) quickly. Take advantage of cloud-native technologies, such as Kubernetes, containers, microservices, and DevOps. 

Develop and Test Apps

Utilize cloud infrastructures that can be readily scaled up or down to reduce the cost and time associated with application development.

Data Storage, Backup, and Recovery

By sending your data over the Internet to an offsite cloud storage solution that is available from any place and any device, you can protect your data more affordably and on a large scale.

Data Analysis

Utilize the cloud to unify your data throughout departments, teams, and regions. To gain insights for wiser judgments, leverage cloud services like machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Video and Audio Playback

Utilize high-definition video and audio that can be distributed anywhere, anytime, and on any device to connect with your audience. 

Integrate Intelligence

Utilize smart models to engage customers and offer insightful information from the collected data.

Install Software on Need

On-demand software, also referred to as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), enables you to provide consumers with the most recent software updates and versions at any time and from any location.

How to Excel Cloud Computing? 

  • You can take free online courses in cloud computing to improve your knowledge and better your profession. Learn cloud computing and other popular topics with courses on Knowledgehut from upGrad.
  • Learn the fundamentals of cloud computing, including cloud architecture, security, emerging technologies, and potential jobs.


The cloud computing environment today is undergoing a significant transformation, with 75% of all non-cloud apps predicted to shift to the cloud and 83% of all business workloads anticipated to be on the cloud by the year 2020. For good and more than needed storage options, scalability, etc services that the cloud offers, the majority of corporations are figuring out how to go to the cloud. Many businesses are now becoming its part just to begin their journeys into the cloud, and the potential for using cloud services in the future are seemingly unlimited.

Grab this cloud opportunity so that you can complete your first step to learn cloud computing with the help of Knowledgehut. This will help you to develop a solid foundation that will enable you to dive directly into cloud programming and speak effectively about the cloud.


Is cloud computing a good career for the future?

Since cloud computing is so cost-effective and can be used by businesses to expand,
it is powerful and broad, and it will continue to grow and provide numerous advantages in
the future. Therefore, a career in cloud computing has a bright future ahead of them, with
advantages for both the host and the consumer.

What is next after cloud computing?

Hybrid Cloud — When an application is run on a hybrid cloud, a variety of technologies
are used. Nowadays, nearly no one relies solely on just one single cloud service, therefore
hybrid computing solutions are becoming more and more common.

Does cloud computing need coding?

The myth is that the only people who should use CC are developers and techies.
The fact is one doesn’t have to be a developer or a coder.

Chitra Joshi

Content Writer & Marketer

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