Are you an owner of the website? And have been using shared hosting instead of dedicated one. Due to it, your website faces downtime regularly. So, the only best-suited solution to cope with this is VPS (Virtual Private Server) which will not cost you much as compared to the dedicated server and will enhance the speed and uptime of the website to a greater extent. It is the most trending hosting server among website owners. If you have medium-level traffic on the website, shared hosting is no more suitable for you, and in this case, you should switch to VPS. There are several VPS providers in the market and one of them is BlueVPS.
VPS also known as Virtual Private Server, belongs to the hosting service category and is found to use virtualization technology. It also provides a dedicated resource to the user with multiple access. VPS is a solution for those, whose website is on the threshold of accessing resources available in shared hosting and has been down several times because of it. Ahead of this, they have two options left, either they switch to the dedicated server (which will cost them a lot) or simply switch to the VPS (which will not be as costly as the dedicated server).
Every VPS provider has a number of plans to offer and before buying any of them you should check the requirements and then proceed accordingly.
The working of the server is quite simple. Basically, all the files of the website are located on the server, and whenever you make the request via web browser, these files are served to you through the internet and further, can be seen using any web browser. In reality, VPS is shared with so many others but it can not be counted under shared hosting as it uses virtualization technology which provides a separate physical partition to every user without having shared anything like memory, CPU cores, etc. So, it can be said that the VPS is virtual (as it does not exist physically) and private both as it allows users to access it separately and with full efficiency without having to share anything. It offers everything similar to a dedicated server cost-effectively.
VPS sounds good for those who are on shared hosting and looking for such a hosting service that is much better than this and other than a dedicated server. Additionally, below mentioned pros and cons will provide you with in-depth knowledge about the VPS, further using it you can easily decide whether you should go with it or not.
If you are wondering whether you should go for VPS or not, here I am going to tell you some points on the basis on which you can easily decide why you should use VPS.
If you are worried about security, backup space, monitoring capabilities, online payment, etc. You can count on VPS as it provides several security features associated with the hosting.
If your website takes time while loading, it is sure that the present hosting is unable to handle the load of your website. In this case, the most cost-effective way of handling it is opting for VPS as it is inexpensive while compared to the dedicated server and offers several dedicated resources which are sufficient enough to handle a website.
If you are in the process of whether you should choose VPS or not, the answer to it has been provided above. With the help of this guide, you may easily decide about the same without facing any obstacle.