Can OnlyFans Creators See Your Email? Does OnlyFans Show Your Name? Find Out Here!

| Updated on July 26, 2024

Worried about your info being visible on OnlyFans? You’re not the only one. 

There are many subscribers who have questioned whether OnlyFans creators can see their email or name on the platform. With over 190 million users, OnlyFans gets frequent visits on a daily basis. However, users are not sure whether their information is safe with the platform. 

OnlyFans logo

So if you are also one of them, let us help you understand everything about queries on privacy that you have for OnlyFans. 

What Information Can OnlyFans Creators See? 

As per a user on Quora, ‘OnlyFans is a trustworthy website. And they will not do anything that endangers the privacy of the user.’ 

But how much truth there is to it? Let’s find out. 

While on other social media platforms, the option of creating a private profile is provided, whereas, on OnlyFans, that doesn’t seem to be the case. So it is only natural for the users to be concerned about their privacy. And as there is a rise in data leak cases, the breach of privacy these days is pretty common. 

So where do OnlyFans stand in this facade of doubt? Well, it does the most out of what it can for the privacy of its users – be it a subscriber or a creator. As far as the platform’s interface is concerned, it does not let users search for anyone by their username using the search bar on it. In this case, finding someone on OnlyFans becomes a little tricky.

So what can OnlyFans creators see? Well, the information that is visible on OnlyFans includes your profile picture and cover photo, display name, bio, website URL, location, and Amazon wishlist. Mainly, the two things that you need to fill in are the username and the display name. Apart from that, the other information is optional to be filled in. This will also help you to make lesser info visible to others about yourself. 

Can OnlyFans Creators See Your Email?

Just like in most social media platforms, in order to sign up for OnlyFans, an email address is required. So does OnlyFans show your email? Since the email contains your first and last name usually, it can be a matter of privacy. 

Moreover, the email address has an important role to play when it comes to the username. While one can set anything as their display name, and it doesn’t have to be unique, it is quite the opposite in the case of a username. For those of you who don’t know, a username is a unique account identifier that is also a part of the profile’s URL. 

While the users set up their OnlyFans account, they are asked to sign up via an email address. And the username is often set depending on the email address they provide, and if they don’t want to go with the name in the email, any random one is generated and provided to the users. 

Hence, the answer to ‘Can OnlyFans see your email?’ is that even though the email is not visible to OnlyFans creators if you want to stay private on the platform, it is preferred to use a different email address.

Does OnlyFans Show Your Name? 

If you started using OnlyFans using your real name and personal email address, you may also have set your display name as your original one. And if that is the case, your name is surely visible on OnlyFans. 

Profile page on OnlyFans

So does OnlyFans show your name? Not if your username and display name are set differently from your real name. So, in this case, the answer to ‘Can OnlyFans creators see your name?’ is NO. So if you are looking forward to joining OnlyFans as a user or creator and this was the reason for your hesitation, you’re good to go now! Interestingly, you can also earn money on OnlyFans without revealing your face.

Can OnlyFans Creators See Your Credit Card Details? 

Apart from email and name, another major concern for privacy that OnlyFans users have is whether OnlyFans creators can view your credit card information. 

Balance page on OnlyFans.

According to the OnlyFans’ Privacy Policy, point 7 mentions that OnlyFans only have the credit card information of users in the form of tokens, and the rest is taken care of by third-party apps for payments. Hence, OnlyFans is pretty clear about its data policy for users and intends to keep it to themselves for only a limited period of time once the users leave the platform. 

However, keep in mind that if you have taken a subscription to OnlyFans, the payments will be reflected in your credit card’s bank statements. But it is certain that, except this, your information will not be visible to OnlyFans creators or anyone else.

How to Stay Anonymous on OnlyFans?

If you are also one of those individuals who prefer to keep their identity private for any reason, there is a way to keep your profile anonymous. Due to a number of reasons, one may not want the creator to know about the information either. 

A straight and direct answer to whether there is such an option of a private account on OnlyFans is NO. But what you can do to protect your privacy is keep your display name to something different and not your original name.

While it is optional for most of the info that you want to be shown on your OnlyFans profile, keeping it totally private and completely anonymous is not possible – for now, at least. 


Can OnlyFans creators see who paid?

No, the only time OnlyFans can see your username is when you subscribe to them. The creator will get notified when you subscribe, and your name will get popped up in the notification. 

Do OnlyFans creators get notified when you unsubscribe?

While the creator gets notified when someone subscribes to their profile, there is anonymity kept by OnlyFans’ end when it comes to unsubscribing. 

How to hide email on OnlyFans?

When you sign up to Only Fans using your personal email address, it usually takes the first and last name for the username. So as long as you change it and use a different one, you won’t be identified and remain anonymous.

Does Onlyfans show your location to its creators?

The creators can see the following information when they visit your profile:

  • The profile picture and cover photo
  • Bio
  • Display Name 
  • Location
  • Amazon wishlist 
  • Website URL



Janvi Panthri

Senior Writer, Editor

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