How to Keep Clean Your Car’s Interior?

| Updated on March 21, 2024
clean your car

Routine cleaning of your car’s interior is a vital way of maintaining its comfort and value. The process usually takes both personal cleaning and regular detailing of car. Both are worthy of preserving the inside of your car. If you’re to do it yourself, you’d need the right tools and materials to properly get the job done. Some of the tools you’ll need are a vacuum cleaner, wiping and polishing materials, and brushes, among other recommended cleaning products. 

Comprehensive Guide On How To Keep Your Car’s Interior Clean Properly.

Regular Cleaning of Carpets and the Floor Surface

The carpets and the floor surface will likely get dirtier quickly compared to other parts. You can begin by removing objects that may have accumulated. Ensure you slide the seats forward and backward to ensure you don’t miss any end of the floor surface.

Further, remove the carpets and mats and shake to remove loose dirt. Depending on the carpets and mats’ material, you can use a vacuum or a brush to remove the sticky junks on the surface. In some cases, you may have to wash out some dirt using water and a detergent. In that case, use the right cleaning products. Ensure you use safe products, choosing those that don’t leave any surface slippery or unsafe for whatever reasons.

Thorough Cleaning of The Front Panel

Cleaning the front panel is seemingly tricky because of the hard to reach parts. You should pay attention to the dashboard, console, and air vents. The cleaning process will depend on whether the front is built with leather, vinyl, or other materials. The right tools should be used to avoid damaging the switches, vents, and knobs. Wipe the parts carefully while implementing various ways to reach the most challenging spots. Cleaning products should be applied carefully to prevent fading the surface.

Cleaning of The Doors

Most car doors have compartments that are likely to be the filthiest. The cleaning process should be done with the right chemical products while vacuuming the right parts. Since some doors are made of different materials, apply an appropriate cleaning method for the best results.

Wiping Windows and Mirrors

Cleaning glass-made windows and mirrors is the most straightforward part of cleaning your car’s interior. It’d be best if you had a microfiber cloth and a glass cleaner. Be cautious when cleaning tinted windows as these can easily get damaged by harsh cleaning products. Ensure you give a good wipe to remove the streaks that may be sticking on the windows and mirrors. If some things seem challenging to remove, wipe the exterior to figure out whether they are on the opposite surface.

Cleaning of Your Car Seats

Materials used for the seats include vinyl, cloth upholstery, and leather. Beware that each material will require a different cleaning technique. For leather seats, specific cleaning products are applied, rubbed gently with a towel, and then dry with a clean microfiber cloth. You can also try using a leather conditioner.

Vinyl is easy and quick to clean up. Use compatible cleaning materials to spray the seats. Wipe the seats with a dry cloth to dry. Ensure you spray the cleaner carefully to avoid any damages to any interior material. Seats with cloth surfaces may require extra attention and effort to remove all dirt and odour. The amount of dirt on the seats will dictate the method and products used in the process.


Cleaning the interior of your car will maintain the new look for a long time. It would help if you had regular interior detailing for your car to increase its value. Use appropriate cleaning methods and products, depending on how the interior is built. Don’t forget odour removal products to eliminate any lingering odours.

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