What to Post on Your Instagram Account

| Updated on March 27, 2024

Hey there, Insta enthusiasts! Are you tired of staring at a blank screen, wondering what you should post on your Instagram account, to stop creating boring content?

Well, worry no more! In this article, we will dive into the exciting world of Instagram and explore some fantastic ideas to keep your followers engaged and coming back for more. So grab your phone and get ready to unleash your creativity!

15 Things to Post on Instagram to Create Compelling Content   

Managing an Instagram account isn’t an easy feat. For that, you need to schedule your every move carefully, as it will be perceived by a wider audience. For that, we have listed some ideas to create a unique and compelling Instagram post feed.

Share Your Passion

Do you have a hobby or interest that gets your heart racing? Whether it’s cooking, painting, or skydiving, let your followers get a glimpse into your secret world. Post mouth watering food pictures, showcase your latest artwork, or capture the adrenaline rush of jumping from a plane on a parachute. Your passion is contagious; people love seeing others do what they love.

Behind-The-Scenes Sneak Peeks

Give your followers a backstage pass to your life by sharing behind-the-scenes moments. If you’re a musician, post snippets of your rehearsal sessions. If you’re a travel blogger, show your followers the unfiltered reality behind those stunning travel shots. People appreciate authenticity; these real-time glimpses into your life will make them feel connected to you.

Inspirational Quotes

Who doesn’t love a good quote that lifts your spirits? Share inspirational quotes that resonate with you and your followers. Whether it’s a motivational mantra or a funny one-liner, quotes have the power to inspire, make people laugh, and create a sense of community. Plus, they make for eye-catching visuals with stunning backgrounds or typography.

Throwback Thursday

Ah, the good ol’ Throwback Thursday. Take a trip down memory lane and share nostalgic moments from your memories. Dig into your photo archives and post pictures from your childhood, high school prom, or that epic road trip you took years ago. 

It’s a great way to show a different side of yourself and spark conversations with your followers about their throwback memories.

Share Your Favorite Books, Movies, Or Music

Books, movies, and music can transport us to different worlds. Why not share your favorites with your followers? Post a picture of your current read, recommend a must-watch movie, or create a playlist of songs that are currently on repeat. 

It provides valuable recommendations and lets your followers discuss and share their favorites.

Ask For Recommendations

One of the best things about social media is the ability to tap into the collective knowledge of your followers. Use this to your advantage by asking for recommendations. Whether it’s for a new restaurant to try, a travel destination, or a good book, people love sharing their opinions and experiences. Engage with your audience and build community by asking for their input.

Travel Adventures

If you’re a globetrotter or have a serious case of wanderlust, Instagram is the perfect platform to share your travel adventures. Post breathtaking pictures of exotic destinations, share stories about the places you’ve been, and provide travel tips and recommendations. If you have travelled to Europe, make sure to let your followers live through your experiences and inspire them to embark on their adventures.

Foodie Delights

Food is not just nourishment for the body; it’s also a feast for the eyes. If you’re a food lover, show off your culinary skills by posting drool-worthy food pictures. Whether it’s a beautifully plated dish from a fancy restaurant or a homemade recipe you’ve mastered, food pictures make people hungry and spark conversations about everyone’s favourite subject: food!

Personal Milestones And Achievements

Celebrate your victories, big or small, because you deserve it! Your Instagram account is the perfect place to share your milestones and achievements with your followers. Did you finally finish your social media web design project? Did you win an award for your artwork? Whatever it may be, let your followers be a part of your joyous moments. Not only will they feel happy for you, but they will also be inspired to pursue their dreams and goals.

DIY And Life Hacks

Everyone loves an excellent do-it-yourself project or a handy life hack. Share your creative DIY ideas or useful tips and tricks that can make life easier. Whether it’s a step-by-step guide to creating jewellery or a clever way to organize your closet, your followers will appreciate the practicality and may even try it themselves.

Pet Adventures

Let’s not forget about our furry friends! Pets have a special place in our hearts, undoubtedly bringing joy and laughter. Share adorable pictures and videos of your pets being their charming selves. All cat breeds and dog breeds can be a perfect model for your account. 

Whether it’s a cat doing funny antics or a dog going on an adventure, your followers will melt at the sight of those cute little faces.

Collaborations And Shoutouts

One of the best ways to connect with other creators and expand your reach is through collaborations and shoutouts. Partner with fellow Instagrammers or businesses aligning with your interests and values. 

Collaborations create fresh and exciting content and introduce your followers to new personalities and brands, whether it’s a joint photo shoot, a product review, or a shared promotion.

Seasonal And Holiday-Themed Content

Remember to embrace the festive spirit and create content around holidays and seasons. Whether it’s Halloween costumes, Christmas decorations, or summer beach trips, tailor your posts to fit the moment’s mood. This shows your followers that you’re in sync with the current trends and gives them something to look forward to during special occasions.

Personal Stories And Reflections

Instagram isn’t just about pretty pictures; it’s also a platform for self-expression. Share your personal stories, reflections, and moments of vulnerability. It could be a life lesson you learned, a challenge you overcame, or a heartfelt story that touched your soul. 

By opening up and being genuine, you create a deeper connection with your followers and inspire them to embrace their authenticity.

Fun Polls And Quizzes

Engage your followers with fun and interactive polls and quizzes. Ask them lighthearted questions like their favourite ice cream flavour or dream travel destination. Create quizzes to test their knowledge or personality traits. It’s a great way to spark conversations, get to know your audience better, and add fun to your Instagram feed.

With the frequent trend changes, the things to post on Instagram are not fixed. 

Conclusion: Maintain Your Profile like a Pro 

Remember, Instagram is about being yourself and sharing what makes you unique. Experiment with different content ideas, find your style and don’t hesitate to step out of your comfort zone. But always remember that increased social media usage can lead to anxiety issues

Now that you’re armed with these fantastic ideas, start posting on your Instagram account. Get ready to captivate your followers and create a feed that reflects the vibrant, multifaceted individual that you are. Happy posting!


What should I post on my personal Instagram account?

There is no hard and fast rule that you should post specific content until you have a business account. But for options, you can post your personal memories, food choices, or anything.

Why can’t I post on Instagram?

Your account may be restricted from posting or sharing anything on your account due to some reasons.

How do you post together on Instagram?

To make a post with someone else, you should first use the invite collaboration feature.

Shinely Ainsworth

Shinely is a tech enthusiast with a bachelor of arts degree in English and Creative Writing. Later on, she turned towards technical writing and has been doing it since 2015. From there onwards, she has been consistently writing technical and troubleshooting blogs and articles. Shinely is a writer and editor with 5 years of experience in writing reviews, news, tips, and troubleshooting articles.

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