The End of Scrolling? TikTok is Incentivizing Users to Post Horizontal Videos

| Updated on February 2, 2024

TikTok is a platform known for vertical short-form videos. But now they are pushing some creators towards horizontally shot content, according to a screengrab of the new feature. 

Post by @mattnavarra
View on Threads

As you can see from the above example, TikTok is offering some creators increased views on content shot in landscape format. 

According to TikTok, “Landscape videos, where the width is greater than the height and are over 1 minute in length, are the only ones eligible to receive increased views.”

Videos that can match requirements will get boosted for 72 hours. This could prove to be a great incentive for creators to post horizontal videos. 

All of us know that TikTok started its journey with full-screen vertical videos and became popular in no time. The popularity of TikTok led other social media platforms like YouTube and Instagram to start their own similar versions of short video platforms. But why is TikTok moving away from vertical videos? They are moving towards competing with other popular video platforms like YouTube. We’ve reported a few days ago that TikTok is testing 30-minute video uploads

TikTok is incentivizing content creators to post long videos in different styles and formats to broaden its content pool. 

It is not clear yet as to how landscape videos will be treated by TikTok, whether users have to rotate their device or not. It is also possible that TikTok is trying to provide the best possible view in Virtual Reality headsets as these headsets are becoming more common. 

Himanshu Kumar

Tech and Software Writer
