Google is Sunsetting Gmail: Google Clarifies Without Losing Any Moment

| Updated on February 24, 2024
Google is Sunsetting Gmail

You may have heard that Google is sunsetting Gmail. If you are here because of this hoax, read this news bit carefully. A hoax shows an email from Google saying that ‘the journey of Gmail is coming to a close’. A version of this hoax mail is circulated widely on X.  

Google immediately clarified that it was a hoax and that the purported email was not authentic. 

But that is only partially true as well. One way of accessing Gmail is to go down. Most of us use Gmail in its default view. However, if you have been using ‘basic HTML view’, nothing can be done about that. Almost all users of Gmail are defaulted to the new view. The company also updated the support page to reflect that Gmail will automatically switch to the new default view after the deadline. 

Google is killing the basic HTML version of Gmail that was available for slow internet connections. This view allowed the users to look at the emails in a bare bones state. When you try to access the HTML version of Gmail, it displays a message saying that this version is designed for slower connections and legacy browsers. 

This is another one of the Google products that goes to the graveyard. This hoax impacted the users because of Google’s history of killing products in the past. 

Google is currently focusing on integrating AI features in all products, including Gmail. 

Himanshu Kumar

Tech and Software Writer
