Elon Musk Could Bring Back Vine

| Updated on April 23, 2024

Remember Vine? The short video-sharing app was discontinued nearly seven years ago. Vine is owned by Twitter, which discontinued the product after much deliberation. 

Elon Musk, the current owner of X (Twitter) may have hinted about the return of the Vine in his recent tweet. 

In a recent poll posted by the billionaire X got an overwhelming majority to bring back Vine. Elon has more than 180 million followers on X, he asked his followers if he should bring back Vine. Around 70% of people voted in favor of bringing back the short-form social media platform. 

However, we can’t say with certainty that Elon would bring back Vine again. Elon is known to be a person who stands by his words but there is no certainty. 

It’s not the first time he asked about it through his X profile. Two years ago, he asked the same question on X, and like today, the majority of the votes were in favor of bringing back the platform. 

Vine is the predecessor to TikTok, and the latter is a billion-user platform. So, it could be a great idea to bring Vine back. But, Vine was never as popular as TikTok is today, it could only reach 200 million users. Also, Twitter wasn’t able to work out the correct monetization strategy for Vine. 

If X and Elon would be able to work out a great strategy to monetize the platform and also pay their creators, then it could work. 

TikTok is more popular due to its advanced algorithm that keeps users hooked to the platform. So, Vine may not become as popular as TikTok. 

Himanshu Kumar

Tech and Software Writer
