X Premium Users Will Soon Lose Ability to Hide Blue Ticks

| Updated on April 15, 2024
x dot com

The paid users of X will soon lose the ability to hide their blue ticks. 

There was a time when all of us were interested in getting blue ticks to our profiles. It was a symbol of growth and respect among the community. 

Ever since Elon Musk’s takeover and paid feature launches, everyone is sporting blue ticks right next to their name. So, these blue ticks don’t carry the same weight as before. 

The paid users of X have the ability to hide their blue ticks and still enjoy the extra features. But that is going to change now. 

This time around, X is removing the option to hide a blue check mark for premium users. The microblogging site announced that its platform will no longer allow users to conceal their blue verification checks. 

It was revealed to the users through a popup notification. This decision is a significant shift in the platform’s approach to verification and subscription. 

The move also comes after a recent change in policy from X. Recently, the company revealed that they will give blue check marks to people who have at least 2500 followers who subscribe to its premium services, even if the account owner doesn’t want them. 

This move took some of the users by surprise. A lot of users used to hide their blue tick marks because of the stigma associated with it. Now, they don’t have a choice, it is a permanent feature. 

Himanshu Kumar

Tech and Software Writer
