How to Improve Gaming Performance on Your PC?

| Updated on June 17, 2024

Various factors, such as old drivers or malware, can prevent your PC from being fully optimized for gaming. In order to enjoy a gaming experience, it is necessary to know why the frame rate is not as good as it could be.

No matter what your computer’s issue is, you can optimize it for gaming. Find out how to keep your PC and the right keyboard to run smoothly and quickly by reading this article.

Pro Tip: If you are an online gamer, make sure to get a reliable and fast internet connection. It is not always a great idea to blame your PC/laptop. If you are looking for options, go with Optimum Altice. The prices are pretty good and so are the speeds. 


How to Make Your PC Run Games Faster

The high-quality graphics and ability to install mods that PC gaming has over console gaming are two of its biggest advantages, but it’s also up to you to keep your computer optimized for maximum performance. A player might have a number of different PC configurations, as opposed to consoles where developers know the exact hardware they are creating. It’s simply not possible for developers to test every possible configuration of your PC, so games will never be as optimal.

Games and a few simple applications are efficiently run on console operating systems, since they are designed specifically for them. While PCs offer a lot more functionality, they can be CPU-hogging and negatively affect video game performance.

Slowing down your PC may be caused by running too many background programs, installing malware, and using outdated hard drives. You can increase game performance by addressing these issues first.

A slow PC can be improved in general, but you can also improve your FPS with computer upgrades. For best game performance, learn how to increase FPS.

So, What Exactly is Low FPS, and What Causes It?

Similar to videos, games display a fast series of images on your screen. Video cards create frames depending on the data they receive from the games you are playing on your PC. A monitor’s frame rate or frames per second (FPS) is the number of frames it displays in one second.

At this frame rate, video games will look jerky and feel unresponsive, while videos usually run at 24fps. This is largely due to a phenomenon called motion blur. Whenever a film camera records 24 frames per second, it will take 24 pictures per second, but since the lens remains open for a long period of time between shots, anything moving will appear slightly blurred. A smooth transition between frames is created in this manner. Game objects, on the other hand, are always displayed at their current position, including motion blur (or only a special effect of motion blur). In any case, it appears that the game objects are jumping between frames.

How Fast Should the FPS be?

In general, 60 FPS is regarded as the standard for good FPS, both because the frames will look smooth on 60Hz monitors and because the frames will look smooth on games that run at that frame rate. Refresh rate, or the number of images the monitor displays in a second, is measured in hertz. As your monitor will not be able to display extra frames when your game runs at an FPS faster than its refresh rate, you won’t see any benefit to running the game at a higher FPS. When a game runs at 90fps, a 60Hz monitor can only display 60fps at a maximum.

Historically, 60Hz was the standard for gaming monitors, but now 120Hz and 144Hz are common in the market. The additional frames will be displayed by your monitor when you purchase or build a PC with a high refresh rate monitor, so the game will run even smoother.

Not sure what your PC’s Hz is? Check it out by following these steps:

  • To open Windows Settings, press the Windows key (usually CTRL+ALT+I) simultaneously on your keyboard
  • then click System
  • Now choose advanced display options 
  • Under each display, you will see your refresh rate and screen resolution

By knowing the refresh rate of your monitor and the FPS you are getting on the game you’re playing, you’ll be able to figure out how much you can increase your FPS before your monitor limits you. Once you have taken steps to increase your FPS, make note of it so you can see if anything has changed.

The FPS is So Low, Why?

This can be caused by a number of factors. Some of them include:

  • Drivers that are outdated
  • graphics cards that are slow
  • running programs
  • due to high game settings
  • Excessive resolutions

Increase your PC’s frame rate

These are some things you can do to increase your frame rate without having to buy any new hardware:

Change the Settings In-game

You may end up with a glorified slideshow if you max out the video settings without having the hardware to support the calculations. You can boost your FPS by turning down your gaming settings.

Options for post-processing and special effects will vary depending on the game, but you should look out for sunrays, bloom, and motion blur when it comes to adding visual effects. Similarly, NVIDIA PhysX and AMD TressFX take a considerable amount of processor power for a tiny gain in performance.

The next option to reduce is rendering distance and texture quality if your FPS is still low after disabling special effects. If you turn them down, you will see an improvement in visual quality, but you will also see an improvement in FPS.

Reduce the Resolution of Your Screen.

Your graphics card has to render more pixels at higher resolutions, which can cause your frame rate to decrease significantly. The resolution should match this of your screen. It is possible, however, to reduce your screen resolution if you are having trouble maintaining enough FPS even when you reduce your other game settings. The video settings menu in almost every game gives you the option to do this.

Select a New Graphics Card Setting.

You can change the performance settings on both AMD and NVIDIA cards through their control panels. Your games might have a higher FPS if you choose to use certain options in your control panels.

Your graphics card will certainly not reduce the electricity usage or be more efficient by dropping processing power if you set your power mode to maximum, which is an important option. Refer to AMD’s and NVIDIA’s own websites for instructions on how to use the control panels and change your power mode.


We tried to add everything in this article from the causes and reasons behind a slow PC for games to ways to fix it. It might seem like a tough job but with the aforementioned tricks, the process will certainly be easy. If you still have questions, please drop them down in the section below.

Priyam Ghosh

Tech and Internet Writer

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