Can I Get a Psychic Reading for Someone Else?

| Updated on March 27, 2024

It is possible to get a psychic reading for someone else. You might be wondering what this would entail and if it’s even ethical. Psychic readings can involve telling the person about their past, present, or future that they are currently experiencing as well as events from other lifetimes. Some people may want to have a psychic reading on behalf of another person because they don’t feel like they’re ready to hear things from the spirit world yet, but still want their loved one to receive some guidance and support in life.

The Benefits of Getting a Psychic Reading for Someone else

Include gaining clarity about their life path, helping them to connect with their spirit guides, and providing support during difficult times. If you’re feeling called to get a psychic reading for someone else, go ahead and reach out to one of our gifted advisors today. A resource guide is available on

You might be wondering what this would entail and if it’s even ethical. Psychic readings can involve telling the person about their past, present, or future that they are currently experiencing as well as events from other lifetimes. Some people may want to have a psychic reading on behalf of another person because they don’t feel like they’re ready to hear things from the spirit world yet, but still want their loved one to receive some guidance and support in life. 

How to Do a Tarot Reading for Someone Else

You will need first contact information for both parties including full name, birthday, address, and phone number so you know who will answer when we call them out of the body on your behalf. 

The benefits of getting a psychic reading for someone else Include gaining clarity about their life path, helping them to connect with their spirit guides, and providing support during difficult times. If you’re feeling called to get a psychic reading for someone else, go ahead and reach out to one of our gifted advisors today.

If you are thinking about other people in your life like family or friends that could use some guidance from metaphysical sources such as Tarot readings but they do not want anything too heavy-handed at the moment this is an excellent alternative option which is a phone reading. You don’t even have to be in the same country! All you need is their permission, some contact information and you’re ready to go.

An ethical psychic will never tell someone things that they do not want to hear or force guidance onto anyone so if your loved ones are hesitant about reading it might be better just to stick with supportive conversations instead. However, a psychic reading for someone else can act as an excellent way of gaining some insight into somebody’s life path which they may not have been able to see before. 

If you would like more information on getting a psychic reading for another person please feel free to call us at our toll-free number where one of the Advisors will be more than happy.

Examining Your Motives

When you’re thinking about getting a psychic reading for someone else, it’s important to examine your motives. Are you doing this out of pure love and concern for the person? Or are you looking for some kind of validation or guidance yourself?

If your intentions are pure, then getting a psychic reading for someone else can be an incredibly rewarding experience. You’ll be able to help them connect with their spirit guides and gain clarity about their life path. You can also provide support during difficult times.

However, if your motives aren’t entirely selfless, then getting a psychic reading for someone else may not be the best idea. It’s important to remember that a psychic should never tell someone things they don’t want to hear. If your loved ones are hesitant about readings, it might be better to just stick with supportive conversations.

What Types of Readings Can You Get?

There are many different types of psychic readings that you can get for someone else. Tarot readings, mediumship readings, and astrology readings are all popular options.

If you are thinking about getting a psychic reading for someone else, it’s important to consider what type of reading they might benefit from the most. For example, if your loved one has recently experienced some major life changes or is going through something difficult right now, then an astrology reading could be helpful. With this kind of session, their spirit guides will provide them with guidance and support on how to move forward in life during these challenging times by looking at the planetary influences that are currently affecting their birth chart. If you’re feeling called to get a psychic reading for someone else but aren’t sure which form would best suit them there are many gifted advisors available who can help guide you towards making the correct decision so please call us at our toll-free number.


If you are looking for a way to connect with someone who is no longer alive, there are some options. One of the most popular psychic readings done over the phone or via Skype has been called reading from beyond by many people. This type of reading can be very powerful and healing for those left behind after the death of their loved one. It may also help provide closure that was never found before they passed away. Have you ever tried this service? What did it feel like hearing from your loved ones again in such an intimate manner?

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