Different Types Of Skirting – Skirting Boards Benefits

| Updated on March 21, 2024

Creating a beautiful house is a dream of many, but what if that dream house is full of blunders. A gap between the floor and wall can be annoying, especially when noticed by guests. If you are in the same situation and are thinking about transforming your home, skirting could be the solution you are looking for.

What is Skirting?

Skirting is used to cover up unwanted features in the interior walls, such as loose electrical cables and connections that cannot be removed. It is also a type of beautification in the required areas. 

What is a skirting board?

Skirting boards are known as mop boards, as they protect the wall from water when the floor is mopped. Quality skirting boards from MDF skirting boards services protect your wall from scratches caused by moving furniture. The skirting board has a projection that keeps a distance between the wall and the nearby furniture.

Different Purposes/Benefits of Skirting

Skirting is not only used for beautification, but is also used to hide unwanted features of the walls. Apart from that, skirting can be installed for different purposes as listed below:

  1. Cover the gap between the walls and floors- The most common use of skirting is to cover the unwanted gaps between the wall and the floor as a result of some construction mistakes. In such a case, you can get everything redone, as that would be time-consuming as well as costly. That’s when skirting is installed to cover the construction blunders.
  2. Prevent Scratches due to Furniture- The skirting board keeps a gap between the furniture and the nearest wall. As a result, this prevents rubbing and scratching from the furniture on the wall and lets you flaunt scratch-free walls to your guests.
  3. Conceal Exposed Wiring- Some electrical wires are placed after the construction is over; this can make them exposed to everyone. However, skirting can be used to cover them up and is considered an economical option rather than hiding the wiring under the ceiling board.
  4. Better Looking Interior- If you are using a well-matched and good colored skirting, this will give your room a finished and cleaner look. Skirting can give a room a professional touch you were dreaming of.

Types of Skirting

Exposed electrical wiring in your space is unsightly and can expose your family to danger. Skirting is the perfect solution to safely hide loose wires; it is more realistic than hiding them in your ceiling, which has to be torn down whenever you need to repair your cables. Whether you are protecting some unwanted features or simply improving your home’s design, your skirting should always look great and complement the surrounding space.

There are different types or styles of Skirting that you can choose from on the basis of its design and material used; here is the list:

  1. Pencil Skirting
  2. Georgian Skirting
  3. Flush Skirting
  4. Wooden Skirting
  5. Double Layered Skirting
  6. Metal Skirting
  7. Continued Skirting
  8. Colored Skirting

Pencil Skirting

Pencil skirting can be installed in patterned or plain walls. Pencil design is the best for your project if you want a bright finish with accuracy and simplicity. A cable rebate is provided to cover the unsightly wires behind the skirting boards. Skirting is a better option to hide your wires as opposed to trunking, which is more costly and unsightly. Skirting gives you easy access to your wiring, and if you have to repair them, you do not have to re-plaster your walls. 

Georgian Skirting

Georgian skirting board is uniquely cut with the high-quality cutting tools for the smoothest finish. This classic design was inspired by earlier models used in the Georgian period. This design is suited to a 25mm thick material. Skirting finishes can be changed to match the room to give it a nice finish, and a professional look.

Flush Skirting

Flush skirting and the plastering technique is seamless as the skirting and plastering are done on the same level. It does not catch dust easily as compared to other skirting types that stay projected out of the wall. The skirting board and the plastering both flush with each other giving it an elegant look. Flush skirting can be used in a wide range of different materials. Flush has no limitations and can be applied in bathrooms, kitchens, living rooms, and other spaces. Flush skirting can be done on tiles, natural stones, and ceramics. Flush skirting does not gather dust on the top edge of the skirting board, and there are no cleaning strips on the walls.

Wooden Skirting

Wooden skirting gives your home a detailed and sophisticated look, and is an excellent choice for marble and tiled floors. Wood is more popular than other skirting materials, which makes it the most prevalent choice. It gives a better finish, and it is easier to hide any imperfections. Wood skirting has a striking look on light floors, walls, and ceiling to improve your home curb appeal. Wooden skirting is available in a variety of designs and is mostly used for traditional and ornamental looking decors. You can paint your wooden skirting to your desired shade.

Double Layered Skirting

A double-layered skirting is unique, gives a detailed design to the room, and makes your skirting stand out. A double-layered skirting gives you the option to paint a double layer of color, which enhances the plain white wall.  The double-layer color gives your skirting board a stylish design feature that offers a striking visual appeal to create attractive, elegant double layered skirting boards.

Metal Skirting

Metal skirting gives your room a modern classic look and improves lightness to the interior. It is durable and protects your wall from furniture scratches. Metal skirting is used in contemporary interiors; it is versatile, functional, and elegant. Metal skirting can be tailor-made to achieve your desired characteristic sheen and color.

Continued Skirting

Continued skirting allows for continuation of any element in your room. This stylish design completely transforms your space. The skirting blends with the curves and bends of the extended features, such as a staircase giving your interior a whole new look. 

Colored Skirting

Colored Skirting is when the skirting board is painted with a color of your choice. If your skirting boards will have the same color tone as your walls, it will give a nicer look to the interior. If you are not sure which color to choose, darker skirting boards will give a more modern, contemporary feel, while lighter colors will make small rooms appear larger.


Skirting boards protect your wall from scratches and water, as well as add beauty to your room. Skirting also helps you conceal your unsightly electrical wiring more conveniently than conventional plastering methods. It also hides the ugly wall or uneven edges. The choice of skirting boards for your project will depend on your budget and preferences. There is a wide variety of materials to choose from, such as UPVC, aluminum, wood, plywood, and more.

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