PDF Merger: Best Solutions of 2023

| Updated on February 28, 2024

Joining documents together can be tricky. Despite the popularity of PDF, making a multipage file is not always a breeze. There are a plethora of online tools, but most of them are only good for simple tasks. Follow our tips to create impressive and professional-looking PDFs with a variety of data. 

If you have just two documents to join, this is a no-brainer. Upload them to a merger site, and wait for completion. This method has limitations, and it is a far cry from the best PDF merger utilities. These comprehensive systems allow you to create a customized output. The sheer range of options is astonishing, as you will see below. 

How Many PDFs Do You Want to Combine? 

The more data you want merged — the higher the probability of error. Offline combiner tools transform hundreds, even thousands of pages smoothly. When accuracy is paramount, converting large files online is out of the question. 

One lightweight piece of software is all you need. Utilities from trusted brands ensure quick and precise transformation. In addition, they guarantee security, as you do not have to upload the original documents online. 

Professional utilities accept different input formats. Aside from PDFs, you may combine Word documents, images, spreadsheets, and more. Arrange the files in the right order — and they will all be turned into a single PDF.

The system can even merge files within folders. For example, if you have 5 folders with 10 PDFs in each, the tool will generate five separate PDF documents in one go and then you can merge all the PDF files. Each of these multipage files will be highly customizable. Alternatively, pick individual files or merge all items with particular characters in the name (e.g., all files with ‘2023’ in the title). 

Simplicity of Use

Combiner tools from reliable developers do not take up much space. They work with any popular version of Windows. Once the software is in place, you can combine as many files as you need, as often as necessary. 

Usually, there is a free trial. Give the system a test drive before committing. If you make a one-time payment, this means that each new conversion is cheaper than the previous one.

The best tools have an intuitive interface. Even with dozens of customized features, the merger is easy. Just select your source files, adjust the parameters, and click the start button. By adjusting the parameters, you can do the following tricks.

1. Ensure Effortless Navigation

Two features of combiner tools contribute to the ease of navigation. First, you can add a table of contents. Every element will be clickable, so users will find the necessary sections in a fraction of a second. 

Secondly, use bookmarks. You can import them from the original documents or add your own. They may be generated based on file titles or a separate *.txt file. You can be sure the output will have all the necessary markings.

2. Adjusting Headers And Footers

Add dates or page counters automatically. One settings window has all the features you may need. You can even add a watermark to every page to prevent unauthorized use. Include your copyright information, the name of the company, or even a QR code.

Protect your data from prying eyes with the help of a password. Top merger tools can also encrypt your document. In addition, they will let you set user permissions.

3. Adding or Removing Blank Pages

If you have a duplex printer, documents with an odd number of pages create problems. The best merger utilities will automatically insert blanks, so your files are not printed on the back of the previous pages. On the other hand, if you include scanned documents with redundant sheets, removing them is easy. 

4. Creating a Cover

Without a cover page, a PDF looks unfinished. You do not have to use the first page of the first document every time. Add your own attractive custom cover, and have the tool insert it for you. It is a crucial advantage for creators of reports, presentations, and books. 

5. E-Discovery

Another range of options concerns the use of PDF in legal proceedings like government investigations or civil litigation. Prepare your evidence easily! The best merge tools will stamp bates to every page of the output. The user can determine the number of digits in the identifiers and add prefixes or suffixes. 

Try It for Free

These are the key strengths of the best merger utilities you can find. Take advantage of the free trial period to see how the features work in practice. These tools are indispensable for anyone who uses PDF regularly. They can cope with any merger task.

Janvi Panthri

Senior Writer, Editor

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