Everything You Need to Know About SAP Application Management Services

| Updated on February 14, 2024

MMR analysts report that the world’s AMS sector was nearly $25.96 bln in 2021 and is projected to reach about $111.8 by 2029. Specialists explain such an intensive development of the application management services branch mainly because of the high popularity of SAP solutions worldwide.

Numerous businesses globally still don’t realize the full importance of qualitative AMS, though. Moreover, choosing a reputable provider of the specified services is quite difficult for some entrepreneurs. That’s why proficient SAP experts from LeverX created a comprehensive but brief description of the key features of AMS and the companies offering them. So, let’s look at this information in more detail.

What AMS Exactly Is


The quality of application management services affects the efficiency of implemented SAP solutions. Consequently, the payback time of introduced software depends on AMS. There are several types of app management services, though. For instance, some AMS offers imply only on-demand SAP support, while others involve full application outsourcing together with managed clouds. However, generally, app management services include the following things:

  1. Applications’ enhancements. This involves major or minor improvements.
  2. Software optimization. Here, specialists consult app owners, make assessments, and create roadmaps.
  3. Rollouts and upgrades.

Merely experienced specialists are able to complete the specified tasks properly. The professionals should have not only the experience of working with SAP but also comprehensive business insight. Solely such specialists are able to deliver maximum value to your company.

Benefits of SAP AMS for Businesses

Gartner claims approximately 82,000 consultants worked in the companies delivering the mentioned services in 2020. This number is only about huge enterprises. The group of smaller firms, as well as in-house teams, in turn, included 120,000 more employees. And the entire number of AMS consultants has grown significantly since 2020. Thus, businesses globally widely employ SAP app management services. This is because of the numerous pros of AMS.

High-Quality Services

AMS maintenance is quite a hard process. That’s particularly true for entrepreneurs that don’t have any experience in this field. Let’s say your company is going to upgrade its SAP system or needs to deploy an application on new devices. You can perform that by yourself using manuals on the internet. In this case, errors may be made. That’s because even the best manuals can’t provide you with the whole needed experience. As a result, your SAP system will operate worse. Consequently, you become less competitive.

Decreased Corporate Expenses

Business holders don’t have to keep their own IT specialists if they use the services of a third-party SAP maintenance team. So, you shouldn’t pay salaries to those corporate professionals. Furthermore, personal IT teams need regular pieces of training as technologies are permanently developing. Thus, you may also save money on staff education using AMS.

Great Scalability Possibilities

Companies should permanently develop if they want to stay successful and competitive. Moreover, some businesses have seasonal spikes in their commercial activities. In the mentioned cases, it’s vital to quickly scale your business. Otherwise, it will just crash. You can deal with the described challenges by scaling your SAP system. It doesn’t take much time and costs much less than hiring and training additional live employees.

Enhanced Efficiency of Your Business

SAP systems can freeze or lag after some time of usage. That’s because they need to be regularly updated. In addition, errors may appear due to incorrect software employment. As a result, general corporate effectiveness decreases.

AMS providers may solve the specified problems. Such specialists timely update corporate applications, install necessary add-ons, and eliminate errors. Your company will always stay highly productive and profitable with such an approach.

High Security of Corporate Data

Gemalto reports 68 data records are stolen or lost every second. That’s mainly because of poor corporate systems’ security levels. Providers of SAP AMS will help you protect your data as best as possible. In this case, the risk of information leaks drops to nearly zero.

Ability to Keep Up with the Times

Reputable AMS providers are always aware of all essential SAP innovations. So, if business owners cooperate with trustworthy agencies, they’ll be able to increase their competitiveness by employing the latest software solutions as well as add-ons.

What to Consider When Choosing an AMS Provider

Initially, determination of needs is necessary. Here, you should consider not only current problems with a corporate SAP system but also your future business purposes. Next, experts recommend performing the subsequent things:

  1. Conduct research. You should analyze the best AMS providers on the internet. Here, engaging all stakeholders is necessary.
  2. Check if preferred providers have SAP certifications. IT agencies without certificates probably don’t meet integration and quality requirements.
  3. View a range of proposals. Reliable AMS providers usually offer a wide selection of services. So, make sure that an IT agency has experience in HANA, ECC, and S/4HANA. Furthermore, reputable companies typically suggest modern services, such as data intelligence, DevOps, or FinOps.
  4. Learn SAP provider’s approach to AMS provision.

Finally, you may also check clients’ comments about a chosen IT company on the internet. Additionally, it’s worth asking if a picked provider has engineering relationships with related-field agencies.

How are SAP App Management Services Provided?

App Management Services

Primarily, it’s necessary to make engagement management preparation. Here, a client and a contractor have to assign a manager. The latter should be delivered the authority to make necessary decisions and coordinate the introduction of those solutions within an enterprise. Themselves, SAP support and implementation services engagements include the subsequent four phases:

  1. Transition stage. This implies providing AMS teams with the knowledge needed to deliver the required services. Clients transfer such information to SAP providers.
  2. Stabilization phase. The goal of this stage is to stabilize all aspects of the software operation to a level at which productive SLA measurements may begin in the operation phase. App landscapes are stabilized, and consultants familiarize themselves with the landscapes as a part of this point. Also, knowledge of the system landscape grows here.
  3. Operations phase. In this step, contractors start performing their direct duties. Tasks are continuously monitored to avoid meeting SLA. In addition, control meetings are held regularly.
  4. Closure phase. This is the final point of the AMS engagement. The purpose of the stage is to jointly close the AM Service with a contractor by transferring responsibility to a client.

Some AMS providers add extra phases as a part of their workflow. The four stages above are the key ones, though.

How Can LeverX Help Your Business?

The company delivers the following services as a part of its AMS offering:

  • provision you with the smooth operation of your SAP system (here, specialists ensure clients with proactive and customized services);
  • modernization of landscapes and applications;
  • development of innovative solutions as well as effective extensions within your SAP system improvement process;
  • migration together with integration and data intelligence.

You may get additional information on the mentioned SAP support and implementation services at leverx.com.


The usage of AM Services helps keep the proper operation of your corporate SAP environment. As a result, business owners may stay competitive and even improve their incomes. Furthermore, the specified services allow for decreasing corporate spending. That’s because you don’t need to keep a separate IT department when using AMS.

Entrepreneurs should choose merely reliable providers of AM Services to get maximum benefits. Among the trustworthy IT agencies, clients praise LeverX. The company has all the necessary SAP certifications, suggests a wide range of services, as well as offers favorable pricing.

Adam Green

With more than 3 years of experience as a software and tech writer on GetAssist.net Adam has been writing articles, blogs, and featured stories centered around the software and tech niche since he graduated from Virginia Tech University. He writes savvy articles, tutorials, and reviews that explain difficult concepts to readers of all levels. His expertise includes software development, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, and emerging technologies. Through simple and engaging writing, Adam constantly delivers useful insights that enable readers to feel at ease in the ever-changing technological scene.

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