LinkedIn is Removing the Creator Mode Option from the Profile

| Updated on February 7, 2024
LinkedIn Removing Creator Mode from Profile

LinkedIn creator mode was a game changer for many people over the past few years, especially for LinkedIn Marketing. This feature is so successful that they are removing the ability to turn it off or on and making it available for everyone by default. 

It keeps most of the creator mode elements optional for all users, even if you haven’t switched creator mode on in settings. This feature was launched in 2021 to provide creators with more tools to establish their app presence. This mode allowed the users to include hashtags in the profile and add a featured section to showcase the content. 

Now, the platform will remove the hashtags to highlight topics, and the ability to switch on creator mode will be removed from profile settings. However, the ‘follow’ button will be present for all users and act as a way to connect with new users. And the About section will be moved to the top of profiles again. 

Removing hashtag elements from profiles is part of their broader approach to shift away from hashtag discovery. Last month, LinkedIn iterated that hashtags are no longer necessary for highlighting the most relevant content in the app. Now, its system uses topics and keywords included within posts to highlight recent conversations. 

So, the news is that creator mode is no more on LinkedIn, creators need to review their profiles to keep them updated.

Himanshu Kumar

Tech and Software Writer
