Arc is Redefining the Internet: Building an AI Agent to Browse the Web for You

| Updated on February 2, 2024
The Browser Company

The best way to discover a website on the internet is by going through a search engine like Google or Bing and it has been like this for years. But that is going to change now. The Browser Company is on a quest to bring an AI agent that browses the web for you and gets the results bypassing the search engines. 

The parent company of the Arc Browser, The Browser Company, presented its product roadmap that talks about a new tool they are going to release in the next few months. With this new tool users can tell the browser what they are looking for and it will present you with all the relevant information by visiting websites automatically. 

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In a demonstration video, the CEO and Co-founder of The Browser Company, Josh Miller shows that users will be able to type something like ‘Reservation for two people at either Llama Inn or Kings Imperial,’ and the browser will return the time slots available in the coming months or days. After that users can go to that particular website with one click and book the table. 

The ultimate goal of The Browser Company is to reduce the steps in reaching a particular website or video. The new ‘Instant Links’ feature is a way towards achieving this goal. This feature uses the AI to skip the search engine, if you’re looking for something specific, like that epic See You Again song by Wiz Khalifa, you can just ask the bot for it. The AI bot of Arc Browser will dump the link as an open tab to your sidebar. 

There can be unlimited uses for this type of feature. It is truly a game-changer in the browser industry. In my opinion, it won’t be long before other companies start to copy Arc Browser. These changes are part of what the company is calling the ‘Second Act’ for Arc. They are embracing AI and making the web browsing experience a bit easier. We reported about the Chrome generative AI features a few days ago, and now Arc is doing something similar. Other browsers like Opera and Firefox are also betting that AI is the future of the web.

Himanshu Kumar

Tech and Software Writer
