According to a New Report: Apple’s Foldable Device Could be a Tablet or Laptop and Not iPhone

| Updated on February 26, 2024
Apple could launch foldable tablet or laptop

There have been rumors about the foldable iPhone for the last year and so, with many reports indicating that we may see it in 2026. However, according to a new rumor from Taiwanese supply chain sources, the new foldable device from Apple could be a laptop or tablet and not an iPhone. 

MacRumors accessed a paywalled report on Digitimes that claims that Apple has been working on a foldable product for the last five years. It confirms the previous rumors that the foldable is set to be a larger device than the iPhone. It could come in the format of a tablet or notebook. The design efforts on the device are underway before any plans for mass production. 

The report also clarifies that some previous rumors of the production of foldable devices are being paused. We all know that Apple is meticulous about the tech it puts in its devices. That is why they are having trouble developing a foldable display panel with Samsung that meets quality standards. 

Apart from the display, the hinge mechanism is pretty important in foldable devices. The hinge tech has become increasingly advanced over the years, the only problem for Apple is the display.  

The report also states that the company has yet to fully suspend work on foldable devices, instead they have multiple departments handling separate foldable products. So, we may get to see a foldable device from Apple as soon as 2025, which is a year earlier than previous rumors of 2026. 

Himanshu Kumar

Tech and Software Writer
