Despite its difficulty, Magento gains more popularity among clients working on creating an online shop or any other online project with an extensive workload. As a result, the number of teammates increases accordingly. To avoid complications and wasted time, you need to choose a reliable and professional developer from the beginning. The client has to know which skills are worth noting when working with Magento extension development. Here are the inevitable skills a Magento developer has to acquire.
If you can’t tackle the dev search yourself, delegate it to experienced HRs. Generally speaking, a good Magento dev needs to have their certificate. However, the minority of creators are certified because you have to go through an examination at the special center. Their courses are rather complicated, and the process is lengthy. Searching for a devoted teammate, choose devs who have a document and can prove their qualification.
A Magento certificate is an international system for assessing developer knowledge who work with this platform. A solution specialist is a person who has profound knowledge of CMS and can configure the platform. A front-end dev knows how to tackle the platform, so it works on different devices. Finally, a certified dev knows how the back-end works and understands the core logic of the system and the module integration. An accredited developer plus is the best certificate that states that the developer works with enterprise edition.
If you think you found a perfect Magento dev for your online store, ask them to show examples of their latest projects they have been working on. In fact, ask them to present as many projects as possible, or the best one so far. Your primary goal is to understand if the specialist is capable of completing the project in question.
Online stores created with Magento have different functionality. That’s why it’s essential to consider an additional estimate at the planning stage. It will help you support a project even after release. Avoid developers who don’t have support. Always pay attention to the warranty period of your devs. It usually is six months after the project release date. Click here to learn more about support services.
The ability to ask the dev any question and receive a profound answer is an important step. So always note that when hiring a team, you will work with them for several years ahead. An additional perk for a developer is their link to a team of testers. It would help if you considered their competitiveness of the offer, choosing a more suitable option for yourself. By hiring a dev with tremendous and fast feedback, you will soon work with a qualified specialist who can support your company for many years ahead. Narrow Specification
If you’re looking for a good narrow-specified specialist, don’t worry. The first thing you need to consider is whether your dev is experienced enough to work in this field. To have a successful working session from day to day, your employee must answer specific parameters suitable for your specification. If you don’t do that, other fields, such as the sales and marketing department, can crash. Remember that every developer has their own approach to a project.
Furthermore, working with an experienced specialist, you can rely on their already existing arsenal instruments and extensions applicable for your project. That’s why when you are looking for a dev, ask them if they had any experience. What was the realization they came to, and what else would they change?
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