What Does Your DNA Say About You?

| Updated on March 27, 2024

What is tradition if not peer pressure from people long since passed? That’s what most people think about their ancestry these days anyway. But is that all there is to it? No, it’s so much more to know who you are, where you came from and your ancestral roots that date back for hundreds of years. 

That said, our DNA defines who we are for the most part so if you’re interested in knowing more about the time before you were even born you can use a My Heritage coupon code to look deeper into your own genetics and what the future may hold based on your past. If nothing else, it’s a good way to satisfy your curiosity. So what does your DNA say about you? Let’s find out, shall we?

What Can DNA tell us About Ourselves?

DNA is the blueprint for our bodies and it can tell us a lot about ourselves. For example, DNA can be used to determine our eye and hair color but you can find that out by looking at the mirror. 

What you can’t see with your own eyes but is embedded in your genetic code is your true ancestry and how certain genes you inherit from your parents, and grandparents all the way back to the beginning, affect who you are today. For example, are you prone to myopia or diabetes? Who knows? Well, your DNA does, so it’s a good idea to sneak a peek at your own genetic code and find out what DNA testing can tell about us.


Not only your genetic information, DNA testing also tell us about your sex whether you are male or female.  It will let you know about the DNA sequences that you have, and what combination of chromosomes whether X and Y chromosomes  (that makes male) or  X and X chromosomes (that makes female) you are carrying.

Hair Color

Different versions of genes present in every human may be the cause color of their hair, which can also be determined by DNA tests. It can identify eight common mutations of the gene that may prevent melanocytes from responding to a hormone that is the cause of dark or red-colored hair.

Eye Color

What colors of eye group you are in can be determined by DNA test. Whether you carry light, dark or hazel-colored eyes can be analyzed by scientists for which four different types of genes are responsible.


What type of chronological diseases or genetic disorders you are suffering from can be analyzed by DNA testing like Down syndrome, Huntingtons’ disease, Cystic fibrosis, Breast cancer, etc. 

How Accurate are DNA Tests?

DNA tests vary in accuracy based on what type of test you’re submitting yourself to. Ancestry tests can tell you who your distant relatives were, where they lived and what kind of a heritage mix you really are. You may be a direct descendant of Genghis Khan without even knowing it and that’s a cool thing to know and brag about, isn’t it? 

Moreover, your ancestors may have been among the first pilgrims to set foot on the new continent or one of your ancestors could’ve been Ragnar Lodbrok himself straight out of the Old Norse poetry and a legend who started the Viking age and you get the bragging rights through and through. 

What are The Benefits of Knowing Your DNA?

The benefits of knowing your DNA are many. By understanding your genetic makeup, you can learn about your ancestry and family history. You can also find out if you are at risk for certain diseases or conditions. 

Most people don’t know a thing beyond their grandparents which is kinda sad since you may have a predisposition for certain types of diseases and health conditions that you should be aware of since knowing things allows you to prevent bad outcomes and prepare accordingly. Therefore, it’s not so bad to know more about oneself when you look at the bigger picture.

How DNA Helps in Solving a Crime Mystery

For solving a crime mystery DNA test is more accurate and is very helpful for a legitimate person. The samples are like hair. Blood, skin parts, or any other body part that is collected from the crime scene is matched with the DNA samples of the perpetrators. 

A number of limitations are carried out while performing genetic ancestry testing and all the individual test results found are analyzed thoroughly and compared with a different database. For example, if the DNA of the skin particles that may be in the nails of the victim, is matched with the culprit, then forensic analysts say it with confidence that the suspected person has performed the crime. Sometimes, a hair particle is enough to catch a culprit by matching the DNA of both.

Not the DNA of everyone can be the same; it varies among individuals and the techniques involved are called restrictions endonuclease which uses molecular slicing of the body part to determine the DNA that is matched to the suspected person. If it is matched with the perpetrator, their presence at the crime scene can be confirmed.

How Long Does it Take to Obtain the DNA Result?

All types of DNA testing can not take the same time to give you the result. Parental DNA testing can give you results in a few days while another type of testing may take a few weeks to get back. It will be told by your forensic scientist who is conducting the test when you will get the result of the DNA testing?

Wrap Up

DNA is responsible for many things, from your physical appearance to your health. Knowing more can benefit you a lot. With the help of DNA testing ancestry parents, diseases, hair color, and the color of your eyes can be determined. We have made you well aware of the benefits and its uses in the real world in the scientific way that means a lot in everyone’s life.

Priyam Ghosh

Tech and Internet Writer

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