Ten Ways Technology Is Benefiting Education

| Updated on May 20, 2024
benefiting education

Tech + Education is the best combination for our future generation. With digital advancements, students have enjoyed learning more than ever.

One of the key benefits is that students have managed to get easy access to different courses and fields like online masters in mathematics, etc. in various price ranges. It means that there is something for everyone, irrespective of their financial condition.

Recently, research done by PeW shows that 92% of teachers believe that the internet has impacted their ability to access content, resources, and materials — positively.

Luckily, this is not it. There are various other benefits which you must pay attention to.

What is Digital Learning or EdTech?


The term EdTech (Education Technology) is used to describe the technologies used in the education sector. Be it an online learning platform, academic productivity tools, or any other tool that helps in studies can be categorized under this category. 

Without any doubt, EdTech is one of the most successful fields in technology. Recently, EdTech companies crossed $16.34 billion in 2018. Countries like China and the U.S. are leading the way, quickly followed by India and Israel.

Thus, let’s ditch beating around the bush and dive straight into the topic.

Immersive Learning

For many students, surviving through the class boredom is much more difficult. However, when it comes to learning through EdTech, the situation is quite different. 

Technologies like animation, video learning, smart learning, etc. help in visualizing the concept. Taking one step further, AR VR devices are also making their way into the industry.

Academic Gamification

Boring classrooms are a part of history now. It does not matter how boring the subject is, things can get interesting if seen as a challenge. So, gamified learning is a popular concept nowadays. 

To make studies more fascinating, these games also include multiplayer levels to solve problems with established teamwork. Quizzes, tournaments, test competitions, etc. are some examples of this concept.

Long-Distance Accessibility

Unlike traditional offline learning, digital learning allows you to learn anything you want from any location. Irrespective of the place where you live, you can enroll in online courses offered by reputed universities worldwide.

For instance, several universities in the USA, and UK, like the Liverpool Business School, and Golden Gate University offer online business programs for graduation or post-graduation.

Personalized Education Experience

Numerous studies show that 74% of teachers agree that technology helps them reinforce the lessons, and 78% of teachers teaching kindergarten through middle school agreed that technology has had a positive impact on their classroom.

These statistics reveal that the introduction of technology has only made things good. How so? With personalization. Students get a lot of options to go for the course schedule that suits them.

Comprehensive Learning Environment

Going for an online course is a comprehensive decision since it provides you with solutions to many problems. Being cheaper than offline classes, providing you with numerous specializations and unlimited resources, distance learning, etc. there is almost nothing that can hinder you from pursuing your dreams.

And not just academically, you can also go for art lessons like music, dance, or skill-based professional courses like writing, and marketing.

Better Engagement

A digital classroom consists of students from different parts of the world with their various experiences and opinions. With such diversity in class, the learning experience can never get better. Moreover, students with healthy communication skills can act like a cherry on top.

Besides, since they all share a single platform, engagement among peers is all that is needed for perfect coordination. This feature is especially beneficial for those in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) subjects.

Offers Flexibility

Are you a working student? Attend classes after your office. Are you a parent wanting to learn online? Attend your classes in the morning. Ultimately, online classes offer you flexibility in time so that you can attend the class whenever you want.

Quick Access to Information

The internet is filled with knowledge, and the digital library is not less than a chest full of information. With the internet, all the information around the world is at your fingertips.

Want to learn about the history or development of anything? Wikipedia and Britannica are at your service. Want to look out for research papers? Google Scholars can be of your help.

Great Skill-Based Learning Opportunities

Nowadays, gaining expertise in any skill is equally beneficial for your career as gaining a degree. Therefore, several internet portals serve you with numerous courses and resources through which you can master any skill of your choice.

Be it music, dance, writing, art, photo-video editing, etc. everything is at your fingertips now. Luckily, there are platforms that are primarily focused on skill-based learning. One of the major examples of such a platform is SkillShare.

Help in Increasing Productivity

Getting enrolled in a student program is not enough. For better results, you need to stay honest and consistent with your study routine. Therefore, there are various platforms on the web that take responsibility to plan and manage your routine considering all your priorities such as work.

Apps and programs like Notion, Motion, etc. can do that for you. Moreover, to make their application out of the box, makers have even integrated tech like artificial intelligence and machine learning. Learning has never been so good before.

Final Words

Ultimately, digital learning is the new today. According to statistics, the number of people who take an online course will rise to as many as 57 million people by 2027. It means that the industry is only going to foster and there is no sign of any issue in the near future.

Apart from that, this article served you with the top 10 features or advantages that technology is providing you in the education system. As of now, the best thing for you would be to shake hands with modernization and integrate these technologies into your studies as soon as possible.

Priyam Ghosh

Tech and Internet Writer

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