Gcore Live Video API for Unique Video Experiences

| Updated on March 27, 2024
Gcore Live Video API

The need for live video has become a great necessity in the last couple of years.

Since the pandemic, most of the people prefer working from home.

But this has removed that personal one-on-one touch that going to the office and interacting with your work colleagues has.

To solve this issue, live video chats have become the norm.

Gcore’s live video API is a great way to add video experience to various applications and websites.

It can be easily integrated into any website or app with a simple line of code.

The Gcore Video Conferencing tool is designed to unlock the full potential of applications, with strong real-time video APIs and SDKs available for both iOS and Android

This seamless integration is also great for many cloud-based enterprises, as it allows for a reliable and scalable video conferencing solution.

Gcore is a public cloud and content delivery network (CDN) company. It was founded in 2014 in Vienna, Austria. As of March 2023, Gcore has over 140 Points of Presence (PoPs) on six continents.

Key Use Cases and Features

Corporate Education Platform

This video conferencing tool is changing the corporate training system by adding the option of video calls into educational programs.

Now, the employees do not have to just sit through hours of boring corporate training videos without any help to explain things properly.

They can just get on a call with their training rep and learn directly through them should any doubts or issues pop up.

This seamless integration of video calls enhances the interactivity of educational content, making it more accessible and effective.

It is an ideal solution for modern corporate education, as it creates a more connected and interactive learning environment.

Online Translation Sessions

This tool can also help with online translation sessions, allowing users to instantly get in touch with language experts and instructors.

This integration of video calls into online language and translation sessions allows users to connect with professionals in real-time.

Webinars and Events

It also allows the participants to attend events and connect to webinars from anywhere in the world. 

It allows for the users to do live video, chat, and interactive QnA sessions making these events more engaging and interactive experiences for the viewers.

This global accessibility not only increases participation but also enhances the quality of engagement, making every session more impactful and inclusive.

Customizable User Interface (UI)

It also allows its users to personalize their video application’s UI.

This means they can add their branded UI elements to the video like a custom watermark, colors, etc to the video player.

This makes it not only more appealing to the viewers but also in line with their brand identity.

Quick Integration and Scalability

Web conferencing is also available with Gcores Live Video API.

With just a simple one-click setup, businesses can connect with Gcore’s CDN, which makes it ideal for enterprises looking to expand their reach.

The tool’s design makes sure that users can easily scale their operations without any compromise on performance and reliability.

Collaboration and Engagement Tools

It can enhance the real-time collaboration and idea-generation process with its live chat, screen sharing, and file-sharing capabilities.

These tools allow the users to share their thoughts and work together more effectively no matter where they are.

This makes it a great choice for teams looking to improve their productivity and innovation in an online environment.

Adaptable SDKs for Tailored Solutions

It has a wide range of SDKs which include iOS, Android, and React Native Video Calls SDK with a plethora of customization options.

These SDKs can be customized for many use cases, allowing the developers to customize the SDKs to their specific needs.

These SDK’s provide a great flexibility and tools necessary for bespoke video call experiences.

Support for Large-Scale Video Calls

Gcores LiveVideo API is great at managing large-scale video calls with more than 300 users.

This makes it very suitable for use in extensive apps like town halls, webinars, telehealth sessions, etc.

It can very easily handle huge traffic with uninterrupted, high-quality video communications.

This makes it the go-to for enterprises to use in large events and gatherings.

With its user-friendly integration, customizable features, and strong infrastructure, Gcore provides an ideal platform for businesses and developers looking to heighten their digital infrastructure with advanced video capabilities.

About Gcore

Gcore is a comprehensive technology company specializing in Cloud, Edge, and AI solutions. 

It is specifically designed to accelerate AI training, offer extensive cloud services, and enhance content delivery.

With just over 150 points of presence worldwide and a network capacity of over 110, Gcore has a pretty low latency with an average response time of 30ms worldwide.

Some of its key features include:

  1. Globally Distributed Network: Over 150 CDN POPs and 25 Cloud locations.
  2. Security: Advanced DDoS and web protection.
  3. Edge Native: Seamless integration of products for smooth application performance.
  4. Flexible and Scalable Infrastructure: Customizable systems to meet diverse customer needs.
  5. Core Services: These include AI, Edge Cloud, Edge Networks, Streaming Platform, Bare Metal, and Security Solutions.

Gcore’s Edge Cloud service provides a ready-made infrastructure with over 25 core and edge locations, supporting a range of IaaS and PaaS services, and includes features like AI Infrastructure, Load Balancers, and Managed Kubernetes

This infrastructure is very important in supporting end-user experiences and stimulating business growth.

Adam Green

With more than 3 years of experience as a software and tech writer on GetAssist.net Adam has been writing articles, blogs, and featured stories centered around the software and tech niche since he graduated from Virginia Tech University. He writes savvy articles, tutorials, and reviews that explain difficult concepts to readers of all levels. His expertise includes software development, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, and emerging technologies. Through simple and engaging writing, Adam constantly delivers useful insights that enable readers to feel at ease in the ever-changing technological scene.

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