Node.js Vs. Java

| Updated on May 3, 2024

Node.js and Java are the two crucial backend technologies that have gained immense fame among developers. However, this fame has left programmers in confusion over which technology to use for backend tasks. 

To address this dilemma, we have compiled this guide to Node.js vs. Java. We’ll learn about Node.js and Java, their pros and cons, and the key differences.

Ultimately, this post will help you decide on the technology that best suits your application and its requirements. So, let’s dive straight in!

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What is Node.js?

Node js logo

Node.js is an open-source cross-platform web development framework for JavaScript that allows programmers to write JavaScript on the client and server sides. It is based on Chrome V8, a JavaScript engine that interprets JavaScript calls into machine codes.

Let’s explore the features of Node.js in a bit more detail to learn how it operates:

  1. It enables development in JavaScript both in the front-end and back-end.
  1. It can perform code execution without a browser.
  1. Node.js works with asynchronous code execution and makes it possible to address the requests independently of each other.
  1. Node.js is a single-threaded platform and allows you to manage several clients simultaneously with a single thread. You can use this technology to simplify the networking process, perform big calculations, and keep clients updated with real-life situations.
  1. Node.js has user-friendly JavaScript characteristics that make it versatile and contribute to its popularity in the market.

Due to its simplicity and user-friendly nature, it has gained fame among large media services, like Netflix, Uber, PayPal, and eBay. It is also being used in various countries, especially the USA, as shown in the image below.

Node js usage in various countries stats

The above statistics show the countries using Node.js.

Moving on, let’s take a look at the pros and cons of Node.js.

Pros and Cons of Node.js

  • Faster and easier code writing
  • A lightweight nature that is ideal for making lightweight applications
  • Ideal for the full-stack developers
  • Features a wide variety of libraries for Node.js projects
  • Built-in node package manager
  • Single-threaded loop eliminates the need for binary mode conversion
  • Scalable technology
  • Constant technology development
  • Unable to process heavy CPU-bound tasks
  • It lacks a library (monitoring) system
  • Node.js relies heavily on callbacks that lead to nested callbacks
  • Has an unstable API that changes at frequent intervals
  • Sometimes the updates are not thoroughly tested

Node.js is a perfect choice if you are looking to build highly responsive applications within a short time. However, it might not be able to process the heavy computational tasks, so you should plan accordingly.

Now that we’ve familiarized ourselves with Node.js, let’s understand Java!


Despite the similarities in names, Java and JavaScript are two different languages with very different aims and approaches to development.

What Is Java?

Java logo

Java is an object-oriented, general-purpose programming language that has now become one of the top programming languages for the development of Android apps. It was also recorded as the most popular programming language in 2023 by Statista, as shown in the image below.

Java stats

The above statistics show that Java was the most widely used programming language in 2023.

Now, let’s look at the features of Java listed below!

  • It is architecture-neutral and platform-neutral, thus, you can use it on any device or operating system with a Java Virtual Machine.
  • It is also multi-threaded, which makes the execution of big calculations simple and fast.
  • Java is simple to use and easy to learn as a programming language.
  • Java, being one of the oldest programming languages, has a rich API.
  • This programming language is widely known for being a robust and reliable script that powers multiple programs and websites. 

Many large enterprises, like Amazon, Google, LinkedIn, and Minecraft, heavily rely on Java for backend purposes.

Now, we will look at the pros and cons of Java to gain more insights.

Pros and Cons of Java

  • Object-oriented programming language
  • Platform-independent
  • Has built-in security features
  • Automatically manages memory
  • Multiple threads run without affecting each other.
  • Features extensive standard libraries
  • Performance overhead (additional resources consumed to execute tasks)
  • Consumes more memory
  • Not suitable for low-level system programming tasks
  • It may take longer development cycles and maintenance efforts

Java is an excellent choice for a wide range of tasks. However, the only drawback of this technology is that it may require more additional resources and may include longer development cycles. Moreover, it is not easy to learn Java online.

Differences Between Java Vs. Node.js

Here, we have compiled a list of 10 key differences between the two technologies that can influence your decision-making process. So, let’s dive straight in!

Java is a programming languageNode.js is a framework for development
It supports multithreaded performanceIt requires a focus on single-threaded approaches
Java is platform-neutralNode.js depends on the technologies of Google, such as the V8 engine
It is heavyweight and, thus, can be used to build large and complex applicationsIt  is lighter and faster and is perfect for creating extremely responsive web applications
Java is a general-purpose language that can be used for various purposesNode.js is designed for only server-side development
Java lacks in performance aspectsIt has a higher performance
It excels in the security aspectNode.js doesn’t offer much security
Java consumes much more time to execute codes and develop applicationsNode.js requires comparably less time for code executions
The development cost of Java is lowThe development cost of Node.js might strain your pockets
Java offers you high stabilityNode.js APIs undergo frequent changes and might face stability issues

Ultimately, you would need both platforms, depending on your varying needs. Java is a full-scale language for the development of programs. Contrary to that, Node.js is a framework for a platform that is based on browser development. 


To conclude, it all depends on your project’s needs and requirements. If you are looking to develop a server-side application or a fast-development-oriented site, then you can go for Node.js. However, if your goal is to use a language that can meet the varying tasks, then consider using Java for your project.

To understand which technology is better for your project at hand, we recommend you deeply scrutinize your application’s goals and requirements to find the right answer for your business-specific requirements.

If you require additional help with these platforms, we recommend you seek out experts at KeenEthics.

Leena Ray

Digital Marketing Writer and Editor

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