6 Tips for Home Buyers Considering a Septic System

| Updated on March 27, 2024

Buyers will come across septic tanks when looking for a suitable property. The properties are not connected to the sewer, so separate waste processing systems are used. In light of the differences between septic tanks and sewers, homebuyers should educate themselves about septic tank maintenance and use before completing a purchase.


It would also be great to consult a reliable plumber familiar with Kelley Septic and Drain Services. Using this helpful guide on six things to consider about septic tanks, they can learn about these systems.

1. Understand What You’re Dealing with

A septic system processes waste more efficiently and uses less energy than a central wastewater facility. Therefore, a septic system isn’t necessarily a bad thing – it just means you have to find out its status. Identifying issues requires understanding how the system has been maintained and is structured.

2. Septic System Age

If the property has a septic system, homeowners should inquire about the age of the tank and its related systems. Average septic systems last between 30 and 40 years before needing replacement. Depending on how it is used and maintained, it can last as little as 15 years. The cost of repairs and replacements might be high for homeowners who purchase an aging septic system.

3. Trees Close to a Septic System

Trees can cause problems in drain fields and septic tanks because their roots grow through them. The roots of trees close to septic components tend to cause havoc on nearby components if the trees are taller. A property with twenty-foot trees, for example, should be at least 20 feet away from its septic tank. Otherwise, homeowners should steer clear.

4. Proximity to a Well

It is important to check the distance between the septic tank and the well if the property has a well. The well must be 50 feet away from the septic tank and drain field to prevent cross-contamination and ensure the property passes inspection. Having these two systems too close together can result in microbial contamination in the household.

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5. The Current Setup’s Quality

For the septic system to work well, the septic tank, drain field, and other components must be high quality. Overall durability and repair needs are also affected by the quality of the parts. It is impossible to tell the system’s quality unless the previous homeowner kept and shared detailed records of the installation. An inspector can check the quality and functionality of a septic tank before purchasing.

6. Tests to Check System Performance

Before buying a property, homebuyers can opt to perform a septic inspection and dye test. It is a crucial task that experts should carry out. A septic professional will flush a special dye through the system to ensure that the waste flows properly through the pipes, drain field, and tank. The dye can pinpoint a leak in the system.

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