How Does a CNC Vacuum Table Pump Work?

| Updated on November 4, 2024

When working on any of your projects, keeping wood blocks, etc. in their place is quite tricky. In such cases, mechanical clamps are the first way to go. However, a modern CNC vacuum table pump is another great option that you can go for.

According to the industry data, the growth in CNC machining is expected to grow with a CAGR of 7% annually. Out of this growth, the vacuum pumps make a significant contribution of around 50% of revenue.

These pumps come with various advantages that we are going to tell you about further in the article. Hence, keep reading till the end to find out all about them.

The Basics of CNC Vacuum Table Systems

As the name suggests, the whole point of a CNC vacuum pump revolves around the concept of making a vacuum to hold things securely to the surface. Since these pumps are responsible for holding heavy or large things in their place, they need to be perfect in their tasks to avoid any damage or injury.

It works by sucking out all the air present between the surfaces of two different objects. The CNC vacuums are a much better option than mechanical clamps since they can hold together objects of various shapes and sizes, and offer a firm grip.

No interruptions or barriers can weaken the joint, which is not the case with mechanical clamps. These pumps come in various types that we are going to discuss further.

How Does a CNC Vacuum Table Pump Work?

how does vacuum pump work

Here’s how the step-by-step mechanism of the CNC vacuum table pump works:

  • Air Removal Process: The process starts with pumping the air between the surfaces of the objects. As the air is removed, the pressure between the ambient air and the vacuum chamber is below.
  • Workpiece Placement and Activation: The material that is supposed to be worked on is placed on the table and the pump is activated. As the air is pulled out from the surfaces, the piece sticks to the table firmly.
  • Sealing and Gasket Use: For further safety and security of the piece, a gasket or sealing is done along with the edges.
  • Machining Process: Now that everything is held in its place, the machine can begin with the cutting process. Since there are no clamps used, the machine can make greatly smooth and accurate cuts.
  • Release of the Workpiece: Now that finally everything has been done with the pieces, you can easily release the pieces by turning the pump off. 

This is how the machine works step-by-step.

Types of CNC Vacuum Pumps

types of cnc pumps

Different types of vacuum pumps are used in various situations. The following are some of them:

  • Rotary Vane Pumps: These pumps use a rotor with sliding vanes inside a cylindrical house. With the rotating vanes, the vanes extend outwards and trap the air between them. These machines are well-lubricated with oil to reduce the wear and tear.
  • Diaphragm Pumps: As the name suggests, these pumps usually have a flexible diaphragm that moves up and down to create suction and draw a vacuum to the chamber.
  • Liquid Ring Pumps: When the water or another liquid is sucked from these pumps, it generates a vacuum that is as strong as any other pump. 

All these pumps are pretty great, with their own specialties. They all provide a pretty strong bond between the surfaces, and you can use them however it suits your purpose.

Benefits of Using a CNC Vacuum Table Pump

Apart from providing a strong suction between the surfaces, the following are some additional benefits that you can enjoy with CNC vacuum table pumps:

  • Increased Precision: The pumps offer great convenience for working with different objects and surfaces. With their efficient suction, you can make easy and accurate cuts.
  • Reduced Setup Time: The pumps can create a vacuum or the table can be placed with a minimum amount of setup time. The electronics are extremely easy to use and set up.
  • Versatility in Material Handling: It does not matter whether you are working with wood, metal, plastic, or any other surface. The table works the same with every material and shape.
  • Damage-Free Machining: The risk of damaging the material with vacuum pumps is pretty low compared to working with clamps. Since there is nothing physically holding the materials together, the chances of ruining the material are pretty low.
  • Improved Workflow Efficiency: Overall, CNC pumps are highly efficient in their operations and work the same with every kind of material, ultimately, improving the overall workflow efficiency. 

This is how the machine helps in overall productivity. 


Finally, CNC vacuum table pumps are a great way to hold different kinds of materials and different shapes together. Compared to mechanical clamps. The CNC vacuum table offers a much more powerful grip and better precision. 

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