Car theft cases seem to be incessantly on the rise, and I myself have understood what careless faults will cost you: an invitation for a thief to steal your dear car.
It is unbelievable but the National Insurance Crime Bureau claimed that every year millions of cars are stolen in the U.S. (Source: Bankrate, 2024).
So, if any of you have high confidence that you are quite watchful, bear in mind that common slip-ups such as leaving the key in the car or neglecting to lock the doors can be done by you anytime.
Therefore, to help you not lose your dear car, in this article, I will show you the 5 most significant reasons why car theft cases remain high and at the same time provide practical means to the readers on how to avoid them.
You won’t want to miss these!
Mistake 1: Forgetting Car Keys
Forgetfulness is one of the major reasons why your car may be stolen.
It happens when you accidentally leave your keys inside the car, in an open place, or maybe in a club or public area.
Anyone who comes across the keys and knows your vehicle can steal if they aren’t willing to return them to you.
As a car owner, you should be keen on preventing a car break-in and should know where the keys are at all times.
Also, make sure to don’t leave them with anyone, mainly those you don’t know well.
If you are stressed or drunk, at that time specifically avoid using the vehicle to minimize the cases of forgetting the car keys.
Mistake 2: Failure to Lock the Car
Failure to lock your car is another great mistake that can cause your vehicle to get stolen.
Usually, car theft happens very fast; it can happen within a few minutes or even seconds.
The thieves are always ready and can accomplish the process quickly if they have spotted you.
If driving alone, learn to lock the car whenever you get outside, even if you are going to the toilet or picking up a food intake joint, lock it.
Modern vehicles use the keyless car lock method, so locking a car isn’t tiring, so as you leave the car, lock the windows as well to prevent possible access.
Fun Fact!!The first car theft occurred before the first motorcar was released to the public. Bertha Benz and her two sons stole her husband Karl Benz’s Patent Motorwagen III in 1888 and took it for a joy ride.
Mistake 3: Parking In the Dark
At night, it’s not uncommon to park your vehicle in the dark, mainly if you wish to resume your trip shortly, however, this practice is quite risky, and you should avoid it.
Most car thieves target dark areas as they hide behind buildings, other vehicles, or even on trees in dark places.
When you park there, chances are you won’t see them, and that time they are tactical, most come prepared with car theft tools, and the moment you leave, they step in to steal your car.
To prevent this, ensure you always park your vehicle in well-lit areas, and don’t assume your car is too old to be stolen or that no one can steal it.
An open, well-lit area will be safe for both the car and you when using the vehicle at night.
Mistake 4: Failure to Install Anti Car Theft Systems
If you haven’t installed an anti-car theft system, your vehicle is sustainable for car theft.
Nowadays, there are many types of systems that you can consider to improve your car security.
The most common are alarms, which provide timely alerts whenever a person tries to break into or use your vehicle.
A keyless entry system is also great because it minimizes the risk of forgetting your car keys.
Other anti-car theft options to consider are wheel and steering locks; find the possible system you can add depending on your car model.
Take an insight into the graph below which represents the Global Vehicle Security System Market in 2024, and provides insights into the market’s growth.
Mistake 5: Leaving Valuables in the Car
Wallets, passports, mobile phones, laptops, and money are valuables you shouldn’t leave in the car.
These things attract thieves and may make burglars break into your car just to get them.
To avoid this, always carry your valuables whenever you are going if they are portable.
If they are not, then don’t keep them in open places of the vehicle, and not even near the mirrors.
Instead, you should hide them in the most secure areas in your vehicle or you can prefer not to stay away for long if you have anything valuable in the car.
What to Do When Your Car Is Stolen
You can keep your car safe from theft by avoiding the above mistakes.
However, all is not lost if you forget or thieves outsmart you, you can do a few things to recover the vehicle within a short time.
Here are some of them.
1. Inform the Police
Contact the police immediately if your car gets lost, and make sure to provide full details of your car, including the number plate and the location where the vehicle was stolen.
2. Tell Your Insurer
Your insurer should know immediately when your car is stolen because if you had insured the vehicle against theft, your insurer will immediately start investigations and may offer compensation.
3. Follow Up
Don’t rest even after notifying the relevant authorities, and keep regular follow-ups to ensure the search process is in process.
Also, be available to provide any information that the police or insurer may need you to give.
Dealing with car theft can be a stressful experience, and can be even harder when you haven’t insured it, or it doesn’t have a car tracking system.
To avoid this problem, be keen and avoid the above mistakes; lock the car when not using it, and don’t leave valuables inside.
Park it in well-lit areas and ensure the doors and windows are locked up well, and in case of theft, notify the police and the insurance company immediately.