Claims Settlement – Always Better with A Traffic Attorney

| Updated on March 21, 2024

How quickly can you get into a car or motor accident? In this case, the person who caused the accident must also pay for the damage. That sounds logical – unfortunately, it is often not easy to get your rights and thus your money.

Accident Claims Settlement – What Exactly is It?

Claims settlement is basically the handling of a car or motorcycle accident case after an accident. It is used to receive compensation from the opponent where a motorcycle injury attorney plays an important role in managing the case. Click here for more information about car and motorcycle personal injury attorneys. As the injured party, you are initially obliged to prove the damage. You should therefore be particularly thorough when recording an accident because experience shows that insurers do everything in their power to reduce benefits to a minimum. And this is even though case law provides that you must not be in a worse financial position after the accident than you were before the accident.

What You Should Definitely Do After an Accident:

  • Collect evidence immediately after the accident (photos, information exchange).
  • Draw up a joint accident report and have the accident cause confirmed in writing by the person who caused the accident.
  • Have an expert determine the amount of damage
  • Hire a traffic attorney, he will take care of the claims settlement.

The person who caused the accident must also bear the costs of your traffic lawyer. The traffic attorney relieves you of the hassle and work of dealing with accidents. So there is no reason not to hire a traffic attorney. Even if you are partially to blame for the accident, the other party has to pay part of the costs of your lawyer.

Entitlement After an Accident 

  • To be reimbursed are the necessary repair costs or, in the case of a total loss, the value of the vehicle before the accident.
  • Compensation for the depreciation that your car suffers despite properly carried out repairs.
  • The cost of a rental car or loss of use compensation if you are not renting a car.
  • Compensation for pain and suffering in the event of an accident-related injury.

When You are Authorized to Compensate for Pain and Suffering

If you were injured as a result of the accident, the person who caused the accident must also pay you compensation for pain and suffering.

How Much Compensation You are Entitled to.

Unfortunately, the compensation for pain and suffering is not laid down on a table like a fine, for example. The legislature only speaks of adequate compensation. Only your traffic attorney can tell you for sure how high the appropriateness is in each individual case. Because here, in particular, the duration of the pain caused by the accident and also the personal living conditions must be taken into account.

To enforce the compensation for pain and suffering, you should therefore always get professional support from a traffic attorney.

What You Should Do If the Opposing Insurer Contacts You.

Experience has shown that insurers report relatively quickly after an accident. It will try to prevent you from engaging your own expert or your own traffic lawyer, also – from the point of view of the person who caused the accident – for good reason: they know that you have no experience in handling accident claims and they will do so if you have none Get an expert or traffic attorney, it is easier to come to terms with the contracts that the insurer perceives to be correct. Because you must always bear in mind that the insurer, as the cause of the accident, has an interest in keeping the damage expense as low as possible. In contrast to his customers, you do not pay him any premium, so there is no interest in regulating the damage in the best possible way in your interests.

Often insurers use flowery phrases in the first telephone contact and assure full and swift regulation to discourage you from consulting a traffic attorney. Do not trust this! The sole purpose of this approach is to keep the damage expenses as low as possible. That is the only goal of the person who caused the accident. Only a traffic lawyer can guarantee that you will actually get your rights.

When to Report to Your Own Insurance Company.

You only need to inform your own insurance company of the accident in the event of partial guilt. If you are not to blame, you should urgently refrain from reporting the accident to your own insurance company. Otherwise, there is a risk of upgrading.

However, if you are partially at fault, you must inform your insurance company as soon as possible, otherwise, you risk your insurance cover and the insurer can take recourse against you.

When to Hire an Appraiser.

It is always advisable to consult an expert if there is no minor damage. Such is the case law if the amount of damage is less than $ 750.00 repair costs.

Do not allow yourself to be referred to an expert commissioned by the person who caused the accident. This is paid for by the person who caused the accident and has only one goal: to keep the damage as small as possible.

How a Traffic Attorney can Help You?

As a victim of an accident, you usually have more rights and claims than you suspect or the opposing insurer would like you to believe. Therefore, you should consult a traffic attorney. He takes over the entire claims settlement for you – from the settlement with the opposing insurer to the enforcement of compensation for pain and suffering.

Traffic Accident: Do You Know Your Rights

You have all the rights if you get injured in a car accident to appoint a trusted traffic attorney to enforce your claims. In the event of an accident through no fault of your own, the other party always pays the costs of the traffic attorney. So why forego competent help and take care of the process yourself?

Did you know,

  • That you have the free choice in which workshop you want to have your accident repaired?
  • That you have the free choice whether you want to have the damage repaired at all?
  • That you can freely choose whether you want to use a rental car during the repair or claim compensation for loss of use?

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