I Have an Electric Bicycle. Do I Need Insurance?

| Updated on March 27, 2024

Letting go of your personal car and replacing it with an electric bike in some moments could be your winning ticket. People mostly use their car to commute from home to work and then return. But this is what many people will do at the same time, so the traffic will become insane.

At the same time, the cost our planet and the environment have to pay for us using the car is immense. And not only the planet, but we are also paying a high cost. Some people die of pollution yearly, and the numbers are just going up. So, if you want to protect both your health and the planet, you could get an electric bike. 

But you may already be among the electric bike owners who have already picked the right electric bicycle, so a lot of questions might come to your mind. And one of them might be if you need insurance. Well, the answer is the same as for regular bike owners. Yes, it would be wise to have insurance, but it is not mandatory. You can opt for Simple Bike Insurance or one that applies to e-bikes too. But why should you do it if there is no law to force you to have insurance for your bike? 

Mandatory Condition in Some Countries

Even though e-bikes are just growing in popularity around the world, a few countries have already eased some restrictions. And other nations will likely follow too. For example, in Northern Ireland, it was mandatory to have insurance for your e-bike. However, things changed two years ago when the country aligned its policies with the whole UK. Insuring your electric bike is not a legal requirement in the US either. However, it would be a tremendous idea to do so. 

Why Do You Need Insurance?

If there is no legal obligation to insure your electric bike, why would you do it? Well, this is a good question that has a lot of possible answers. Shortly said, you would spend less money on a new bike or hospitalization costs in case something happens. 

Bike Theft

For example, there are more than 150,000 reported bike thefts in the US every year. This is in the conditions in which not all people file a theft report to the police when they see their bike is missing. And even though you may feel you have your bike near you, in the garage, or near the house, more than 50% of bike thefts happen on private property. 


No one wants to cause or be part of an accident, but unfortunately, these things happen. So, it would be wise to have health insurance in case you have an accident. This is especially helpful if you use your e-bike within the city a lot. The traffic is sometimes crowded and drivers might be aggressively driving. So, assuring your bike and your health too is wise and it can be a lifebuoy. 

Less Hassle 

In any of the two cases mentioned above, you would need to do a lot of work. Filing a stolen bike report to the police so that they can start searching for the thief. The chances to catch them are low, so having insurance would help you replace your bike in a matter of days. Of course, this depends on the insurance conditions you have agreed to. But if you have a crash with a car and the driver does not have insurance, yours will save you. You will not need to pay for hospitalization and medicine and other costs that might appear. You can dive more into the topic of bike insurance here: https://simplebikeinsurance.com/ebike-insurance/

Final Thoughts 

If you have an electric bike, it would be recommended to have insurance too. There are many types of insurance you can opt for, depending on your goals and plans for the future. However, health, bike, and car insurance will cover the costs in case something happens. No one wants their e-bike stolen or to have an accident while cycling. But it’s better to be prepared rather than sorry. 

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