A Checklist for Creating Your Packaging Labels

| Updated on March 21, 2024

There are many things to consider when designing your labels, from the color and font of the text to how you want your logo to look. Labels are a necessary part of any product. However, many people overlook the importance of these labels and their role in marketing your company or brand. In reality, labels can play a huge role in how much success your business has as well as how well-known you become. Labels need to be engaging not only to those who already know about what is on them but also to potential customers who have never even heard of your brand before. Product label design software helps to create an effective label, several things should be considered including color scheme, design layout, size and shape of each individual element on the label, and more!

Packaging Labels

1. Determine the Type of Label You Want to Use for Your Product

If you are a company, have an idea for a new product or service, or are just someone who is passionate about their hobby and wants to share your thoughts with the world. The first step in determining how you will label yourself is deciding what type of label you would like to use. There are many different types of labels that can be used including originality, specialization, quality assurance, environmental responsibility. This blog post will help you determine which one best suits you and your project!

2. Create a List of All the Information That Needs to Be on Your Label

Labeling is a major part of food safety and quality control. Everyone from the FDA to your customers will want assurance that what they are purchasing is safe for them, meets their needs, and tastes good. The more information you provide on your label, the more likely it will be approved by everyone involved in providing input or reviewing it. All labels should include company name, address, phone number, ingredients, and nutrition facts – even if some items can’t be listed due to labeling restrictions such as allergens- along with other pertinent information like weight measurements. 

3. Take Accurate Measurements of the Bottle or Jar So That You Can Create a Template with Accurate Dimensions 

 If you want to be able to create a template with accurate dimensions, measure the bottle or jar accurately. The most important measurements are the height of the container and width at its widest point. This will help ensure that your template is not too small for what it needs to cover or too large so that there’s excess material hanging over the edges on each side.  To create a template for your bottle or jar, first, measure the dimensions of your container. 

4. Make Sure There is Enough Room on the Label for All Relevant Information Without It Being Too Crowded

As you can see, there are many things to consider when designing labels. Make sure the label is big enough for all of your relevant information without it being too crowded or hard to read. You will need to take into account customer preferences and what they might be looking for on the label as well. This includes whether they prefer black text on a white background (or vice versa) and how much detail should go onto each side of the packaging. Finally, make sure that any important warnings about product safety are clearly stated on one side of the package so customers know not only what’s inside but also how best to use your products safely! 

5. Design an Eye-Catching Graphic to Go Along with Your Design If Desired 

You may be wondering why you should care about designing your packaging labels. Well, for starters, it’s the first thing that customers will see when they pick up your product at a store or online. The design of these labels needs to tell them what they can expect from the contents and provide ample information so all their questions are answered before purchase. If you want to stand out in this competitive market and get noticed by consumers who need help finding items on shelves or scrolling through search results, then invest time into coming up with an eye-catching graphic that showcases your brand personality and sets you apart from competitors! 

6. Print Out Labels Onto Adhesive Paper and Cut Them Out According to Size

The adhesive labels are easy to use and come in many shapes, sizes, colors, font types, and styles. They can be used on a variety of surfaces including glass jars for food storage or decorative items like candles. These labels will stick securely to the surface without leaving any residue behind when removed. You can also purchase them with pre-printed text like “fragile” or “keep out”. The only thing you need is scissors to cut the label into your desired shape before applying it to your product! 

7. Choose An Appropriate Font and Color Scheme for Your Labels

Color Scheme for Your Labels

Label printing is a crucial step in the process of creating your product. It’s important to consider font and color schemes when deciding on what label you want to use. The fonts that are most readable for your customers come down to two options: sans serif or serif. Serif fonts have more detailed strokes, which makes them easier to read from a distance than their simpler counterpart, sans-serif. Choose whichever style fits with the message you’re conveying through your labels.


Once you’ve compiled all of your design elements, it is time to make sure they are aligned. The following checklist by artwork flow will help ensure that your labels are eye-catching and cohesive. Are the colors complementary?  Is there enough contrast between text or images on the label? Will people be able to read it easily at a distance? Do not forget about legibility in low light situations

John M. Flood

John is a crypto enthusiast, Fintech writer, and stock trader. His writings provide guides to perform your best in the crypto world and stock planet. He is a B-Tech graduate from Stanford University and also holds a certification in creative writing. John also has 5 years of experience in exploring and understanding better about the FinTech industry. Over time, he gained experience and expertise by implementing his customized strategies to play in the crypto market.

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